I love character-driven plot ideas (even if it's just a slice of life). Count me interested. I already have a plan. [i]dramatically rolls a scroll of paper out[/i] Step one, character idea. [i]points[/i] If you see here, I am thinking of a decent middle-aged guy (no older than mid-thirties) who may be a failure when it comes to big-city restaurants, but he is loved for his country/homemade cooking skills and has a little restaurant. He once was from the little town of Sanctuary but moved away at a young age. Ended up being a city kid, getting into trouble, and maybe has a bit of a record? No record that screams DANGER, but a history that he regrets building up at the ages of 17+. Somewhat religious? He doesn't go to church or prays much, but he does believe in a God above and sometimes speaks to the man/woman behind the scenes. I feel that he most likely choose to move back because of failure, a hard life in the city, and the enjoyment of memories this little town gives him. He doesn't have a wife, no kids, but he is humble and kind. Though, he loves to support needy families in the town of Sanctuary the best he can, but he barely can hold his small restaurant afloat because of the big corps moving in, so he gets salty when those topics come into play. He's a homemade chef; most of his skills are not from school; he has an associate's degree in culinary because he dropped out of his bachelor's and moved back to his origins. Though, he has a bachelor's in business (which is the only thing holding his restaurant up beside the people who visit it.) That's only an idea, though. Please don't quote me on it. Count me interested.