[hr][hr][center][h2][color=#B22222]Cassiopeia Hood[/color][/h2][img]https://i.imgur.com/NinjoUF.gif[/img][hr][color=#B22222]Location:[/color] Robin Hood’s Camp -- The Moors [color=#B22222]Skills:[/color] [hr][hr][/center] Luckily, Rose and Rosalia both had knives and managed to cut themselves free. Cassi saw Red run to Rose so she redirected to Rosalia. She stood beside her, watching the others and for an incoming attack. [color=#B22222]”You okay?”[/color] Rosalia was standing and looked fine but you could never be too sure. Cassiopeia had been trained in wilderness survival so her instincts kind of took over, even though she wasn’t trying to survive the wilds of Kansas. Thankfully, there were no enemies in their relative vicinity, including Rose and her mom. So, Cassi started looking around for a place they could take cover or hide out, especially for Rose since she was injured. Cassi took note of the tents and pointed. [color=#B22222]”We should take some cover, especially you Rose, until all this is over.”[/color] Cassiopeia was itching to get back and fight but she also wanted to protect. But just as Cass was ramping up to serve and protect, Merlin pretty much ended it. Robin Hood and the others started rounding up some prisoners before Layla, Robin and Rapunzel came over to check on them, followed shortly by Merlin who went to tend to Rose. Rapunzel checked on her daughter and Cassiopeia shuffled over a couple steps, not wanting to be in the way. She looked at Robin when he asked if she was okay. She shrugged a little but nodded. Robin looked fine, minus a few scraps and bruises here and there. [color=#B22222]”Physically, fit as a fiddle. Mentally? I don’t know how you do this.”[/color] Her eyes wandered to some of the enemies being dragged off, a few she recognized had her arrows in them and she looked at the ground. [hr][hr][center][h2][color=#F08080]Willow Jones[/color][/h2][img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/TotalRingedGoldfinch-small.gif[/img][hr][color=#F08080]Location:[/color] Building -- Agrabah [color=#F08080]Skills:[/color] [hr][hr][/center] Willow nodded and followed her mother out of the building into the back alley. She was reminded of where she was when they stepped outside into the desert heat. It was amazing how the clay buildings kept everything relatively cool inside. Willow helped her mom dump the shards into the dumpsters when something shining caught her eye. Willow stepped over to the side of the dumpster and bent down to pick up the item. She revealed a dagger with a beautiful hilt and shining blade. Willow twirled it around a little before looking at her mom and grinned. [color=#F08080]”Merlin helped equip us before we started looking for you. I took knives but I’ve never really used them… I took kickboxing for self defense and that helped me be a bit more flexible but I’ve never had to use it before. Have you… have you ever needed to protect yourself or kill someone?”[/color] Willow stared at the blade as she asked her mother these questions. She didn’t think it would make her think differently of her mother but it might cement the idea of how dangerous this place really was. She had already gotten an idea back when they first entered this world and had to break people out of jail.