[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/mDSnD2c.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/qo2IV8m.png[/img][/center] [color=fff79a]Time:[/color] Morning [color=fff79a]Location:[/color] Riverport - Inn By The Sea --> Boardwalk [color=fff79a]Interactions:[/color][@Potter] Saoirse [@Th3King0fChaos] Ismael [@Kazemitsu] Kharne [color=fff79a]Equipment:[/color][url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/25/3c/f0/253cf0d29425017e8fb9d9e7c2329fd9.png]Outfit visible from Disguise Ring[/url],[url=i.imgur.com/zp0T6mY.png]Armor(Not visible)[/url]; Chest plate is enchanted with Armor of Absorption, Map of Avalia, Water Flask, A bag of elf and demi-human ears and tails, Small book and pen, Ama pouch with 2000 amas on hand, Three large red potions, Wayfinder, Hygiene supplies, Rose-scented Perfume, Location Sender, Shower Tube, Transmission Bracelet, Bedroll, Water Purifier,[url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/465770184003551242/863502652029009980/latest.png?width=517&height=669]Axes with returning enchantment,[/url][url=https://cdn141.picsart.com/314855750091211.png?type=webp&to=min&r=640]Her backpack[/url] [center](Changed Outfit for the day) [img]https://i.imgur.com/9CtR5X4.png[/img][/center] [color=fff79a]”Kharne, Raven’s emotional reaction is just proof she needed to relax. They just wanted to have some fun. There was no predicting what happened. Now just imagine you had the girls train in that mind state. I know you’re used to your way of battle, but when it comes to magic, one’s mind must be in a state of peace. They will need some meditation sessions before even trying to summon magic again. ”[/color]Annya told Kharne, [color=fff79a]”I will take the humans with me to breakfast then at Surfside Cafe. Meet us there if you are unable to locate Raven and we will search together. Please take care to feed yourself as well.”[/color] Annya glanced at the young human as he picked on a sarcastic tone. She sighed and did her best to be patient with the man as she said gently to him, [color=fff79a]” Yes young Ismael. If your emotions get out of control, you can lose control of your magic. That is why I was insistent to Kharne that I take the girls out to relax after the arduous day. If you refuse to cooperate and stay with us, then yes, I will be forced to call for reinforcements as your magic can hurt others. You, humans, are my responsibility as well as Kharne’s. It is not only our duty to keep you safe, but those around us.”[/color] She let him continue, listening to his words, and shook her head. She gently took his hand and squeezed it. [color=fff79a]”I’m sorry Ismael. I know I must seem on edge. I do not want to threaten you. I want you to feel safe with me but I cannot protect you all if you run off so the matter changes. Of course, I would speak to Raven gently. I’ve been a young girl myself. I've lived long enough to know how to read situations and know who to be blunt with and who to be gentle with to diffuse a situation."[/color] [color=fff79a]“Right now, I am speaking to you and Kharne bluntly to make you understand how important it is that we find Raven. I do not want to make her our enemy and I want to stress why we must find her as soon as possible. Thus I have to be honest with you about what is at stake so you understand. ”[/color] Annya paused and then her eyes widened as she realized a better analogy to make him understand her intention, [color=fff79a]” Think about this. There’s a fire, right? So I am going to yell fire to make everyone understand there is an emergency. Right now we have an emergency to find Raven so I have to explain to my comrades what is at stake quickly to the point so they understand. If I sugarcoat things to you right now, you might not grasp the severity. ”[/color] Annya moved to the door, calling down the hall, [color=fff79a]”Saoirse! Time to go!”[/color] She waited for Saoirse to join and once she had, she led Saoirse and Ismael out the door and towards the cafe. The morning sun beamed in the sky and lit up the wooden boardwalk that creaked beneath their shoes. She glanced at the two humans as her thoughts drifted to the events of yesterday, [color=fff79a]”Saoirse. I want to be your comrade but you’re going to have to explain to us the extreme reaction yesterday. Is such behavior prohibited on Earth?”[/color]