Kijani watched fear, confusion and betrayal flit across Prince Eskel’s face in seconds. She wasn't fully sure what to do in the situation. No amount of royal training had a good line for 'your father has joined the empire and betrayed his blood'. "...I'm sorry, Eskel." Was all she could manage after several moments. It would be best to let him process. Then, her gaze returned to Adam. He looked good. He’d put on muscle, and there was something different about him that she couldn’t quite quantify. “Adam, I… I never thought we’d reunite this way. It really is good to see you.” Were her hands shaking or was that just imagination. “If only we had a few minutes.” Where to even begin a desperately needed conversation? [i]“Hi Adam I think I fell for you when you weren’t looking. And I sure as stars wasn’t looking.” “Hi Adam I apologize for everything I said in the past, what I’m saying now, and probably several in the future.” “Hi Adam I missed the beard.”[/i] Did the Force guide help with romantic issues? There was very little outside sign of Kijani’s scrambled mind, besides an increased sweating. “I… would love to talk to you, Adam.” Is what finally decided to come out of her mouth. She side eyed the distraught Eskel. “Privately. Hopefully.” Softly, she laid a shaking hand on his shoulder. She squeezed, as if making sure he wasn’t going to explode into mist and leave her alone. It probably hurt a little. “But first we need a plan, and I have none.” Grouping up had been her entire plan so far – now that was done and she was at a loss.