[b]Name:[/b] Everyone's got one [b]Age:[/b] Remember, we're in high school here. [b]Personality:[/b] Life of the party? Or are you a stick? [b]Background:[/b] Be as vague or detailed as you want. [b]Notable Skills or Abilities:[/b] How well can your OC fight? [b]Appearance:[/b] Self explanatory. --- [b]Name:[/b] Lucy Bastion [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Personality:[/b] Lucy is always seen with a cold and distant look in her eyes. She views intimate or relationships in general as unhealthy and a hinderment to her goals, especially in high school. Speaking of goals, her ambitions and crazy schemes to bring down the Ultimatum are the only topics of interest she will focus heavily on with a passion. That and homework. With that said, she won't interact with other people unless they yield some benefit to her or serve some purpose. In short, she has slight trust issues. If, however, one is fortunate enough in prying open her shell, Lucy will come to see that person as a mutually respected ally, and eventually a friend. [b]Background:[/b] Not much is know about Lucy, and what little is known is probably rumor and speculation. Even so, she has a long history of transferring schools and moving living locations, sometimes in the midst of a school year. Furthermore, she seems to live alone with no other family members and is not affected by the isolation. Whether her family abandoned her or something more unfortunate occurred has yet to be seen. She also claims that something of dire importance to her was stolen by the Ultimatum, but curiously enough, she cannot remember what exactly that is. According to her past school transcripts, Lucy apparently has a critical heart condition that can hinder her at any given moment. The attacks are usually spasmodic in nature and if left untreated, she will eventually succumb to cardiac arrest. Sunnydale has taken this into account and provides special painkillers for her in the school nurse's office. However, Lucy keeps her own set of painkillers hidden inside her school bags, despite the risk of bringing confiscated items on school campus. [b]Notable Skills or Abilities:[/b] Lucy carries around an exo-skeleton gauntlet. In normal everyday use, this device is simply seen as silver bracelet with a red orb in the middle around Lucy's left wrist. However, it can conform on itself and expand to form an exo-skeleton like structure surrounding the hand and finger tips, with the red orb centered around her palm. Inside the orb is a highly flammable gas that ignites when exposed to heat and oxygen. The red orb will begin to heat the area around Lucy's hand to high temperatures before opening up the orb and releasing the gas. This in turn creates fire that Lucy can use as either projectiles or a continuous stream, giving her access to fire magic. In addition to this, Lucy seems to have significant knowledge and experience when it comes to handguns. However, this is the only firearm she can use effectively. Or at all. [hider=Appearance][img=http://cache.desktopnexus.com/thumbnails/1539688-bigthumbnail.jpg][/hider]