Ack, sorry about that, everybody! I missed where we were talking about going out to the lake OOC and thought we were going to discuss it IC, sorry! I think it might not be a bad idea to consider picking up a boat to help us find the missing fishermen, but that being said, do any of us have proficiency in that sort of thing? I guess we could try to have somebody pilot it regardless, but that seems kind of dangerous. Does anybody else in the group have any particular feelings one way or the other? Oh, and before we go out - what did we end up doing with the bloodied book we found here, in Easthaven? I think it might be a good idea to have any of the more magically-inclined characters take a peek at it, if possible. I think there was an illusion cast on the book that prevented us from actually reading it, right? Maybe someone in our new party might be able to make something of it. [quote=@Birdboy] Yeah, it's been pretty slow. I don't mind a small group but it sucks when players just up and vanish. Its not easy on a dm to explain that sort of stuff. [/quote] Honestly, it's especially bad too if that sort of thing kills a campaign. I've had a couple of campaigns just kind of disintegrate after players just poofed into thin air, which is really a shame as both a DM and player if you've had a lot of buy-in into that campaign. Like, I'd rather people just be up front about why they've suddenly stopped showing up than just fading into obscurity, it's really the least you can do for all parties involved.