Hi there, I'm new here. This past year I've been building an original fantasy world with the final intention of writing a book. I call it "fantasy" for lack of a better word but it actually involves very few "fantasy" elements (i.e magic, prophecies etc.) and resembles more of weird middle age world. Revealing anymore would be spoilers :). I'm very far from writing the book at this point and yet i'm very intrigued by the world i created (ain't that surprising?) and so I keep writing about it regularly. Lately I've been thinking that it would be really fun to share some of this world with other people and perhaps get some feedback. What i have in mind is creating a thread here in this forum with an RPG taking place in this world. the players will be given the minimum amount of info on the world to keep the game interesting and any other information will unfold with their story. I don't have any experience as GM and I'm not an exquisite writer either (not even in my native tongue which is not english). Is this a likely scenario in this forum or is it too distant a proposal for anyone to be interested in?