[@Jeddaven] I should probably call it something like a chapter end or page break since that is what their purpose actually is, to give a break section that lets time jumps occur and world events take place. Although please elaborate on what you mean by this system would "gamify" the RP too much since I legit do not think it would gamify the RP any more than dividing it into sections as opposed to an endless run on chapter. [@Dark Cloud] They should still be recognizably human, perhaps deformed or mutated a bit since I don't intent on letting something like Ghouls or Super Mutants in the RP at this time. Also, how ogre-like do you intend on them being? Are we talking Warhammer Ogres or like the big hillbilly dudes from Fallout 3 Point Lookout? A max of 3 generations have been born, 4 if you count the ones who are currently children, while inbreeding damage is severe, extreme damage would likely take longer than the time that has actually occurred, especially since you aren't solely doing parent/child or sibling couples (I'm assuming).