[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/78GuBNF.png[/img][h2][sup][sup][i][color=#0AE6D3][b]š¯’˛[/b][/color][color=#423f85]ath[/color] [color=#0AE6D3][b]ā„³[/b][/color][color=#423f85]elainea[/color] & [color=#A187BE][b]ļ¼³[/b]omni[/color][/i][/sup][/sup][/h2][sup][sup][sup][sup][sup][img]https://i.imgur.com/g3AJZo1.png[/img][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][/center]Glimmering starlight once more fell over the continent, clear skies dominated by a half-moon and the gentle crackling of a dying fire. Still bundled up against the cold, a certain mortal finally came to wake. Eyes slowly fluttering open, Somni took a deep gasping breath as he shot up into a sitting position as if waking from some terrible dream. His sister sat across from him at the fire, staring in silence, her eyes slightly wide as her eyes caught his. Where before his eyes had always been an almost washed out grey-blue, now they shone in the night, their hue pierced through by iridescent violet. He opened his mouth to speak but found he could not. Clearing his throat and coughing, his sister quickly recovered and fetched him a clay-made mug filled with freshly brewed tea. It had a faint spiciness to it, and it burned as he sucked it down, but he swallowed nonetheless. Sputtering a moment, Somni shook himself, a shiver running through him as he set the cup down beside him and met his sister's gaze. [color=#A187BE][b]"I...how did I get home?"[/b][/color] His sister's eyes widened, and so did his, for the voice that had come from his lips was resonant and tinged with an unearthly sound. [b]"I...Somni, your voice,"[/b] she whispered, stunned. Bringing his hand up to his throat, Somni marveled at even the sound as he hummed quietly. He could feel it deep within him, and somehow he knew others would too as if it came from somewhere deeper. [color=#A187BE][b]"What happened?"[/b][/color] He wondered aloud, but his sister shook her head, not knowing either. Slowly, Somni rose from his blankets, freeing himself from their embrace. The night air somehow felt more welcoming than before, warmer too. He turned towards the far-off coast, staring into the horizon. He didn't know why he looked in that direction, but instantly he understood that [i]something[/i] was coming. [color=#A187BE][b]"Fetch mum and da,"[/b][/color] Somni said idly, but his sister heard a charm and a command. Rising, she quickly scampered off to rouse them from sleep. Turning back to the fire, Somni starred into its dancing light and all at once remembered. Curious, Somni took in a breath and spoke, his voice forming twisting words that he knew no other would understand. Experimentally, he began to sing in this strange, yet all-too-familiar language, and in reply the fires danced in tune. He smiled.[hr] Far to the north, a great Colossi stirred the seas with its every step, and deep within its heart burned an amaranth flame. The sleeping sparks of many mortal children flickered in time with its dancing rhythm as they came to grow in tune with the Goddess' power. At once, she attuned herself to the world and its many rhythms. The ebb and flow of the tides, the movement of the wind above, and the heavens far beyond. The gentle creeping of vines and roots, the subtle songs of creatures 'pon the land, and the idle existence of mortals near and far. Life and Death, happiness and pain. She knew them all, felt such things twisting in her breast, and deep at the core of her being she kindled a great and terrible fire. As she came into harmony with the natural world and its inhabitants, she understood what the next step must be. Opening eyes of violet hue, the goddess emerged from the belly of the stone and metal goliath, stepping from its back and up its neck. In the night its eyes blazed as purple as her own, each a beacon in the sky. Standing atop its metallic skull, Melainea raised a hand up to her lips and gently blew. Coaxing a flame out from her form, the purple fire coalesced upon the surface of her palm, dancing in time with the world's beating core. [color=#0AE6D3][b]"Ah, thy souls of gods were borne into this world,"[/b][/color] she sang, a smile upon her face as the wind blew her hair back from her face. [color=#0AE6D3][b]"Unto them a power I will weave, a blessing for the world to keep. A curse it cannot flee."[/b][/color] The flames coiled inwards, then lept upwards from her hand in a bolt of astounding light. Cresting far above, the bolt of flame expanded, rippling outwards in great rings of purple illumination. They shook the air and covered the distance of Galbar from end to end. Life everywhere would feel them, feel the essence of their Lady embed itself within them. None would know what it could do. For now. Satisfied as the ember of her sky-bound flame continued its violet emanation, Melainea sat then upon the Colossi's head and stared out towards the Plains. This would be the first of her people's homes and she knew precisely who would lead them. So it was that at the same time, the goddess and her unseen Champion smiled, and the latter stared far off into the sky where a great violet star lit within the sky, pulsing with deific light. [hider=Summaries][hider=Narrative Summary]At the edge of the Eidolon Plains, Somni wakes, discovering his transformation alongside his sister. He summons his family to him and witnesses the birth of their Ladyā€™s Violet Star. Far away, Melainea births said star, seeding Galbar with her essence for the era that is soon to come. Slowly, atop the lumbering form of the Colossi, she makes her way to Somni, her intentions still unknown to the world at large. Nonetheless, a great storm brews unseen. Who will notice first?[/hider] [hider=Resource Summary][u]Starting Vigor:[/u] 1/4 [u]Starting Spirit (Somni):[/u] 2 [b]Bless Galbar/Create a Monument (-1 Vigor): Cath Venassi (The Violet Star)[/b] [indent][i] Crafting a crystalline formation of her essence high in the heavens, Cath Venassi is a glowing jewel in the skies of Galbar, always emanating a pulsating purple luminescence that soaks into all things, living, dead, or in-between. From this powerful source flows emotion distilled, yet largely unfelt. With its creation, so too is born the Cathyrian Tongue, a language of emotion which can only be truly wielded by those properly Attuned to Melaineaā€™s grace. With her essence imbued into all creation, by the Violet Star, the Cathyrian Tongue can bid things to move and change subtly, using mana as their conduit, though capable of uniquely potent workings by the truly skilled. Nonetheless, this power isā€“for nowā€“one almost entirely untapped. As such, the monument serves little purpose except as a blazing beacon in the northern night sky.[/i][/indent] +1 Spirit for starring in the post. +1 Spirit for being one of two main characters in the post. [u]Somniā€™s Spirit Earnings:[/u] 2 [u]Ending Vigor:[/u] 0/4[/hider][/hider]