"You are-," Yvain started before quickly shutting her mouth. Instead she thought "[i]You are a voice in my head[/i]" as she dutifully followed its directions. If it was going to be this difficult to get a conversation out of than it was just going to have to get cozy with the rest of the voices in there. She wondered, momentarily, if the voice was even real and whether the shock of seeing her first company in weeks chopped down like a giant mushroom hadn't finally caused her to snap. If she was insane now, though, it was a better form of insane than whatever the person she was chasing had. She hoped that the sword, or whatever aspect of herself had splintered off and was speaking to her through the sword, knew where it was going. If it did, that probably meant she wasn't crazy. [i]Do you have a name at least? Swords that are magic tend to have names. At least, they do it all the operas.[/i] [@Dark Light]