[img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/GrRyTHMRb-rNZkfKj4yDTBLSanN2MZW1zqEoe6_wAgE/https/i.imgur.com/TNKWY8p.png[/img] [sub]"Now is not the time for mistakes. Now is the time for action. Do what you feel is best for your kingdom."[/sub] [hr][hr] [indent]As each assembled before the great King, Alvaro was silent. He was observing each of them, wondering what it was like to grow up in their shoes, wondering if there could be any happiness with the cold breath of the enemy on their necks. They all had something in common. They were all on the list of destruction should they choose not to act. Alvaro wondered if he could go through with the lie. To marry the great King’s daughter and pretend as if his heart did not already belong to someone else. The greatest of all fallacies and he questioned his own morals. How could he lead a kingdom and act so treacherously? His conscience continued to gnaw at him. More than anything he wanted to make his father proud, but he also had his own life to live. The great King had graciously invited them all to take the hand of one of his daughters and yet, Alvaro gazed at each beautiful princess and wondered how soft their hair was and how quickly he could braid it. To him, friendships and bonds lasted longer, and although he would no doubt be unable to marry one of them, he would ensure that an alliance would be forged in the shackles of truth. The great King had offered a moment for anyone to speak, but his daughters presented themselves to each of the princes. Alvaro graciously accepted the beautiful gift from Loreena. Her bow made him smile. It was a sign of respect in his kingdom that equals bowed to each other, but also you bowed deeply to those of higher wisdom and age. His window of opportunity to speak with the great King soon passed, but he felt welcomed in the kingdom and would do his best not to upset any of the royal family while there. He turned to his lover and guard and smiled. “I will speak with the King alone,” he spoke in his native tongue, “please behave while we are here. We are guests and should act as such.” They’d been invited to the Court of Flowers. Perhaps he would get another chance to speak with the King alone, but for now he would retire to his chambers and freshen for the festivities that awaited later that evening. The Court of Flowers was sure to be as interesting as it sounded. Alvaro had observed each of the princesses and one had caught his line of sight. She was interesting and yet hadn’t spoken at all during the ceremony. Alas they all seemed to disperse, even the princes and he was no exception. “Do you think your father will be upset?” Nairo asked. “My father will learn to understand and hopefully will accept you,” Alvaro said, glancing up at Nairo as he sat on the bed. “The King can be forgiving,” Cairo stated. “I know Cairo, but I must be careful how this is done. The great King could find it insulting, and the last thing we need is discontent between kingdoms. I will speak with the King alone, but be mindful while you are here, for we are not home. Use our native tongue to speak to each other, but no secrets. Understood?” Cairo and Nairo nodded while Alvaro continued to get dressed. He wore a beautiful phoenix embossed garment that flowed from his toned form. A beautiful necklace adorned his neck and chest, the gemstone holding mysteries within it. The solid violet gem seemed to swirl specks of white and gold in its center.. Alvaro’s earrings accented the beautiful lavender garment he wore and he stood from the bed examining himself in the mirror. “You look amazing,” Nairo said. “The most fashion forward in the kingdom,” Cairo stated. Alvaro smiled and shook his head. He was the last to arrive in the great hall. The beautiful flowers made him think of home. He strolled in, and remained silent as he observed what was going on, not wanting to interrupt.[/indent]