[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211117/8e0e3182aa285f2ecc71697e97119097.png[/img][/center] [center]---[/center] It made sense that Sarah couldn't find who she was looking for, as the young woman in question was leaning against the wall in the corner, the slump reducing her height even further. Combined with the crowd, it made her nearly invisible. And she was just [i]fine[/i] with that. She hated the crowds. She missed her solitary apartment, with its blessed silence and isolation. But that simply wasn't viable anymore, not without resigning herself to a terrible fate as either Fogged or dead, and everybody knew it. There was safety in numbers. Even if she hated how high those numbers were. Another consequence of the Great Fog to add to the ever-swelling pile, though a comparatively minor one. She did her best to hide herself in her beaten-to-hell coat. As reclusive as she was and as reclusive as she remained, though, she'd made a few acquaintances since then. As much as she hated attention, she was still a human being. She needed some kind of companionship. And, she had to keep reminding herself, she [i]deserved[/i] it too, just like everybody else did. The person who'd called her name, though, was not one of them. Evidenced by the butchery of her name. But she would take any excuse to get out of the press of people without putting herself in undue danger. So upon hearing her name called by—what was her name again? Sara? Sabine?—she straightened up, standing on her tiptoes and raising a hand to be seen through the people. "[color=ffcff8]Amber Westbrook. That's me.[/color]" She shouldered her way up to the other girl, standing as tall as she could so she didn't need to crane her neck to meet her eyes. She laced her fingers together nervously behind her back, linking her hands inside of her warm long sleeves as she bit her lip anxiously. A sudden, half-formed insult born of poorly-contained stress leapt unbidden to her mind, and she had to bite her tongue instead to keep it down. She did her best to keep the flash of frustration off of her face. [color=ffcff8][i]Christ, you don't even[/i] know [i]her. What is wrong with you? Cool your jets, dumbass.[/i][/color]