Near to Cindy's position, a trucks' engine grumbled along a road, and gears ground as it lurched along a pitted and rutted jungle dirt track. There was a loud BANG followed by clattering of mechanical parts and the engine cutting out - heard too, across to where Kyle had set up his camp - and the vehicle ground to a halt. The tailgate dropped on the cargo vehicle, and the NWA soldiers riding the truck hopped down, while those in the cab did likewise. "What's the delay?" the officer riding up front asked, as one of the soldiers examined the engine. "Why have we stopped now? We need to get the cargo off this island, especially if there's someone running around here and they've captured those code boxes. Black Jewel can't be bought into operation without the cargo." "I know, sir," replied the soldier examining the engine. "This'll take a while to repair - and that's if we've got the parts. I'll get to work-" "Just do it," replied the officer with disgust, before signalling to the others to form a perimeter. A voice from in back of the truck spoke up. "Where are we? Why have we stopped?" "Shut up," replied the officer curtly to the female voice. "Sit still and be quiet Doctor DeWinter. And don't make any trouble". The officer stood in front of the trucks' tailgate, his arms folded, as he spoke into his radio, advising command of his situation. The rest of the patrol began to spread out and cover the truck from all approaches, while the men worked to repair it. Bryan jumped and stirred. Looking around in a panic for a moment, he slowly adjusted to the situation and saw the drone again, and then the woman a short way behind. Blinking rapidly, his memory came back and he looked down at his arm. "Who are you?" he said after a moment. "Did... you fix my arm? Is this your robot?" He asked, pressing one hand to his forehead and wincing, before looking at Alika again.