[hider=Maddox][center][img]Character font here.[/img] [img]https://i.ibb.co/Npnqp6P/andy2.jpg[/img][/center] [INDENT][INDENT][color=6ecff6][b]Name[/b][/color] [indent]Maddox Larsen[/indent] [color=6ecff6][b]Age[/b][/color] [indent]26[/indent] [color=6ecff6][b]Place of Residence[/b][/color] [indent]13 Thurston St.[/indent] [color=6ecff6][b]Personality Traits[/b][/color] [indent][color=6ecff6]Rebellious [/color]- Maddox's chosen lifestyle teeters on the edge of his hometown's norms. His taste in music could be best classified as unique and he's got a severe lack of respect for authority on all fronts. To him, this is Maddox's world and everyone else is just living in it. [color=6ecff6]Loyal[/color] - It takes a special kind of person to welcome in the special kind of person that Maddox envisions himself to be. To that extent, if you extend friendship and kindness to Maddox, he will reciprocate in spades. [color=6ecff6]Stubborn[/color] - Once Maddox has his mind set on something, it is incredibly difficult to get him to sway from his opinion. This may lead to conflicts when amongst different minded individuals. [color=6ecff6]Impulsive [/color]- Act first, think later. Maddox very much lives in the moment without thoughts regarding repercussions. Sometimes these spontaneous moves and decisions work out well, but there are certainly times when his impulsive nature is a serious boon.[/indent] [color=6ecff6][b]Background[/b][/color] [indent]Maddox's mother was paralyzed in a car accident caused by an incident involving his father being drunk behind the wheel. Though his parents remained together, the silence tension between them is palpable. Confined to a wheelchair, his mother tends to stay at home and do her best at keeping up with the house while his father, a miner by trade, worked his ass off to make ends meet. He has always tried to impart the importance of hard work and getting your hands dirty to his son, but the message didn't always come across. Whether it was disinterest, resentment for what he did to his mother, or a combination of several things, Maddox simply did not respect the man, much less any lesson he tried to impart. The three of them rented a small home in Hvass and lived a relatively simple life. Once Maddox had more exposure and comprehension of the outside world, he fell in love with the unconventional. Loud, scary subjects spanning across the spectrum of grotesque horror movies to heavy metal seduced him into a culture that was often looked at with a raised eyebrow by the locals. His mother, however, was unconditionally supportive of whatever fueled Maddox's passion in the moment. Maddox was never one to care about outside scrutiny. He flew his freak flag proudly and it wasn't long before like-minded individuals made their way to him. Eventually, he formed his own band, [i]The Elder Gods[/i], in which he sings lead. After high school, Maddox refused to pursue college, but felt the wrath of independence and its monetary cost. His father demanded that he get a job and help pay the rent if he planned on sticking around under his roof. To that end, Maddox and his band would play whatever gigs they could get ahold of and, during the day, the young man would work at any place that would hire him for as long as he could before his attitude inevitably led to termination. Book stores, department stores, music stores... he would do anything available to him that didn't require too much manual labor. Most recently, he found himself at the movie theater tearing tickets and serving popcorn. Not his dream job, but it afforded him a chance to watch all the movies he could ever want on a screen larger than he could ever afford. But then came the fog and suddenly the horror movies that he loved became a reflection of real life. In as much as he had studied monsters on film, nothing could truly prepare him for what life was about to become...[/indent] [/INDENT][/INDENT][/hider]