[sup][h2][center] [color=black]A o k i R e y n a S a n d s t r ö m[/color] [color=lightsteelblue]A o k i R e y n a S a n d s t r ö m[/color] [/center] [/h2][/sup] [center][color=silver][sub][sub]L O C A T I O N: [color=lightsteelblue]C O S Y B E A R C A F E[/color] I N T E R A C T I O N S: [color=lightsteelblue]L I L Y A L E S S I E [sub][@The Muse][/sub] , B E T H R O W L A N D [sub][@ArticBeaver][/sub] [/color] [/sub][/sub][/color][/center] [indent][color=silver] When Aoki worked on her art, she got tunnel vision on nothing but her work. When one of the waiters came to deliver her green tea matcha latte and bagel, she hadn't even noticed until the scent of the freshly made bagel graced her nose it finally broke her trance. By then, Aoki had finished detailing one of the pillars of the Gothic Catholic Church she was currently working on. One of her most loyal and long-term clients had requested a sleeve for him, unaware that she had moved states. When Aoki explained the situation, the man didn't care and said he would go to her once the sketch was approved. A bit surprised, Aoki agreed to this and began her work. That had been almost a month ago. The drawing in front of her was the final tattoo. So when the bell chimed, and a loud girl walked into the cafe, Aoki was far gone into her work that she had paid her no mind. Even when the stranger sat behind her and peeked over her shoulder, it was her voice that startled Aoki, making her jump in her seat. Aoki turned her head and gave the stranger a look before she turned back and brought the sketchbook close to her face, eyes darting across the paper to see if any damage, smudges, or markings. [color=lightsteelblue]"Dude, watch it next time."[/color] Aoki gave the girl a once over before rolling her eyes and taking the sketchbook to show the friendly stranger. [color=lightsteelblue]"You can look,"[/color] Her tone was a bit playful now, the annoyance just a few seconds ago gone. [color=lightsteelblue]"but not touch."[/color] For those who knew her, this was Aoki's limited way to be friendly. [color=lightsteelblue]"I'm a tattoo artist, so I guess an artist of sorts."[/color] Her voice was smooth, still with a playful tone. She looked at the girl, her eyes instead of focusing on the new figure behind her that seemed to be starting their way. She acknowledged the staring by tilting her head to the side just the slightest and flashing a half-smile before turning her eyes back to the stranger before her. [color=lightsteelblue]"Please don't ask me to draw you."[/color] She said, a playful smile gracing her tinted lips. [/color][/indent]