[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/xYNz5Y2DKS83pKct9KXUY-PvT56r7LfcBYOL5o7bjPM/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/210424/1aacb67ba4eb5c934f204d6669b28a48.png[/img][/center][hr][center][color=CornflowerBlue][b]Location:[/b][/color] Submarine [color=CornflowerBlue][b]Interacting with:[/b][/color]Dr. Bingley, Viktor ([@FunnyGuy])[/center][hr] Alisa patted Dr. Bingley’s arm comfortingly. [color=CornflowerBlue]“Of course they can,”[/color] she assured him. [color=CornflowerBlue]“A giant squid is a piece of cake for us- trust me.”[/color] In truth, Alisa wasn’t so assured about the team’s ability in an underwater fight like this. This was only their second real battle, and she wasn’t even [i]involved[/i]. She, however, was much more sure of its outcome than Viktor seemed to be. She listened to his conversation with Talon and knitted her brows, letting out a miniscule sigh. [color=CornflowerBlue][i]Seriously?[/i][/color] [color=CornflowerBlue]“Hmm… Dr. Bingley, excuse me, I have an emergency. I need to… go to the bathroom. And, um. Expel waste. I’ll be right back.”[/color] It was an awful lie, but it worked. She wasn’t even sure there was a bathroom in the sub, but it usually worked as a good excuse for everyone else. Alisa went to the back of the submarine and switched her earpiece to a private channel with Viktor. Luckily, she could still hear their conversation from where she was standing. Alisa whispered into her earpiece, [color=CornflowerBlue]“Cybergirl to Rain. Chill out and lay off Talon and Mirage. And maybe… I don’t know, using a submarine weapon on a massive squid when we’re supposed to be moving covertly in Atlantean waters is not the best idea? Erm. Over.”[/color]