Fez nodded at Michael's words, [i]"I completely agree. Sadly Lecrero isn't the best at... Communicating."[/i] He said as he watched Niccia carefully, [i]"I'm sure it was a surprise for Niccia, and Gavin is... I love him but he's incredibly stubborn and hot headed. I'm hoping that someone will fix that in him but I'm never too sure."[/i] Fez glanced down to Niccia as she stirred again, [i]"Hopefully she'll wake soon. I'm hoping the crowd over there doesn't get violent."[/i] Niccia grumbled and scrunched her nose slightly, moving closer into Michael and moving to wrap her arms around his. Her tail slowly tightening on the egg. Kyio lead Harcu slightly away from Andy and Lecrero. "I worry that Darkrai managed to get too close to father already." She started with a frown, lifting up the bottle for him to see the ink shimmer and twist in the light. "This is a higher concentrate of ink, I believe he may... Be planning something big and dangerous." She glanced to Andy before looking towards Michael and Niccia. "I don't wish to intervene with Niccia's mission, and I know Darkrai won't go after the new Mew, he wants Niccia specifically..." She trailed off with a bit more of a frown. "I'm worried." Lecrero nodded at Andy as he spoke, moving to weakly stand up and looked to Kim, "She is faithful to you." He said with a small smile, offering his hand down. "I'm... Surprised at that but I guess I haven't spoken to a trainer Owned Pokemon in a while." He looked up to Andy, "Did you gain her as a Sentret?" He asked softly. His mind drifted to Eros, maybe having him go out with a trainer might make him stronger...? Luna frowned at Vatiers words and offered her hand to let him up. "Please ask the Humans." She said with a soft voice, "They'll help I promise, Niccia is among them so we can trust them. She'll do it for nothing." Vatier took Luna's hand as she pulled him up, feeling a pulse of her power flood through him before he let her go. "Sorry." He said before he looked at Ra with a nod. "Thank you... For giving me a chance." He said before he closed his eyes. "Can... You go speak to the humans? I don't have... good reputation."