[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/the-strength-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210504/e3d4ae1e99c9ded212b1844615a6d718.png[/img][/url] [color=ec008c][b]Location:[/b][/color] Atlantic Ocean [color=ec008c][b]Interaction/s:[/b][/color] The Team[/center] [hr] Brightheart learned from her past mistake. It was her impulsive actions that lead to her being spotted by Kobra agents which lead them into further secrecy which will definitely make it harder for them to be captured by the authorities. She still couldn't shake the disappointing look on Batman's face from her brain, it was the same look her parents gave her back in the past, which also played a part in why they sent her here on Earth... Nevertheless, she really learned to listen and wait, reacting than acting. She went with the others out to the open ocean while the others stayed inside to protect the professor. Brightheart had been to the ocean before and she thought she could breathe underwater being that Tamaraneans could survive the vacuum of space, but unfortunately Starfire had to give her CPR when she drowned trying it. Since then, she tried to stay away from the deeper parts of the sea as she could move around as easily as moving through outer space yet it was still completely alien for her. She was very nervous when she learned their mission required them to go far, far deeper into the ocean than she wanted but she did her best to hide her anxiety for the sake of the mission and her friends. At least, she was glad they got a squid attacking them to help ease her anxiousness even a little. The tentacled monster reminded her of some of the creatures back from her home planet, some were even quite delicious, but none were certainly as big as this one. It spewed out a cloud of black ink that spread through the waters as it used its long tentacles to wrap around the submarine but thankfully Mirage managed to hit it with her magic and now its attention was on the people outside. It did manage to hit some of them though, one of its tentacles sending Brightheart a few feet away and she swam to join her team as swiftly as she could while her body's in pain. Nymph returned and informed them she couldn't understand the kelps. [color=ec008c]"Will it work if I kissed them? Oh right, they are plants! Hello Brightheart!"[/color] Brightheart asked and then remembered in a panic. Nymph said something about giving her sunlight which she meant the devices Brightheart brought with her that stored ultraviolet rays. They were supposed to be kept for emergencies for the Tamaranean but for the sake of the mission and her friends, she will do anything. [color=ec008c]"Do not worry about getting tied with the squid. We'll handle it. Get ready, Nymph!"[/color] Brightheart retrieved the devices and, with a push of a button, released the ultraviolet light stored within them, shining them in Nymph's direction. She could feel a small amount of energy from them which was limited because of her diving suit but it was enough to make her feel re-energized even for a little. [color=ec008c]"I-Is it working? Are you feeling it now, Nymph?"[/color]