[hider=The Wandering Sorceress] Name: Akilah Darwish Race: Human Career/Class: Sorceress Sex: Female Physical Description: Akilah stands at a height of 5’8, weighs about 140lbs, and has a slender pear-shaped frame with hips that are wider than her chest. Her medium tan skin is adorned with silvery mage’s tattoos depicting her as a Sorcerer of Storms For those who can recognize the script. They faintly glow while she is casting spells or when she is near powerful weather events. Akilah wears all white harem trousers, a white wrapped bandeau, and a scarlet cape with intricate golden embroidery, a gift from her mother. On her head commonly sits a shoulder-length white scarf held in place by a simple gold circlet. Her waist-length wavy dark brown hair is normally braided with decorative golden ribbons woven into it. She wears three more simple pieces of golden jewelry: an armband that rests on her right tricep and two ankle bangles. She prefers to be barefoot but will wear scarlet slippers with golden embroidery that matches her cape when needed. Akilah is overall a captivating young woman with plump full lips, slender facial features, and large smokey blue eyes. Her family is known for aging well, so she has a youthful look about her and many cannot predict her age accurately. Personality: Akilah is a wanderer at heart, a byproduct of having been raised within a fisherman’s community of the coast of Izryia, and because of this, she hasn’t taken any permanent employment after having graduated from the College of Mages in the Seven Cities, not that she is lacking in offers. Most mages of her caliber are swept up by royal navies or reputable shipping companies and she chooses to always be on the lookout for the next adventure. Given her exotic appearance, she is often on guard when dealing with others, regardless of their sex, as she has been a victim of unsolicited advances through her travels and in her early years at the college. If she is continuously touched without permission or in any way that she finds offensive, she will electrocute the trespasser of her flesh so that they learn she is not to be trifled with. Akilah has no husband or children of her own and saves the majority of her income earned from the odd sailing jobs she takes for when the time comes that she is ready to settle. Otherwise, she is not above spending the extra coin for more comfort in her travels. She is inquisitive, finding enjoyment in watching others bustle around her in their everyday lives and learning what she can from them, especially if they are mage within their own right. Those chosen individuals that she feels she can connect with on a more personal level will find that she can be as warm and gentle as a soft summer breeze or as violent as a raging hurricane. Given she was raised on boats, she will still offer her help when on a vessel despite the fact that the Captains mainly want her there to fill their sails with favorable winds. Akilah has a deep respect for all those that choose to live their lives with the ocean, as it is an unforgiving mistress. Equipment: [list] [*]A golden khakkhara staff imbued with magic runes to amplify and stabilize her magic as she works incantations. It also does really well to increase the accuracy of her lighting spells across longer distances and emits a beautiful sound from it’s rings as it moves. [*]A spellbook filled with all her teachings from the college as well as what she has learned in the years since graduation traveling amongst the people. [*]On her left hip lies a simple dagger with a bone hilt made from a whale’s bone. She uses this dagger primarily for everyday cutting needs and simple potion crafting, though she has used it for self-defense in the past. [*]A magically locked trunk that holds her personal belongings of clothes, coins, and mementos from her travels. It can only be unlocked by her or another skilled mage. Trespasser will find a nasty surprise should they try to pick its lock. [/list] [/hider]