[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4MnnDhn.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/YBTJgL5.png[/img][/center] [color=CE9B08][b]Time:[/b][/color] Morning [color=CE9B08][b]Location:[/b][/color] The Harem [color=CE9B08][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] [@Alivefalling] Barboda [@princess] Helio [@Infinite Cosmos] Tesoro [@Helo] Nym [@Potter] Tigerlily [@FunnyGuy] “Two Lesser Known Twins” & Liliana [color=CE9B08][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] [color=CE9B08][b]Equipment:[/b][/color] [hider]The clothes on her back Cutlass 275 amas New [url=https://imgur.com/y7edhka]outfit[/url] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/d7/da/96/d7da96207a73417e94fb72a3f62eb0b2.jpg]hat[/url][/hider] [Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/dv3PYdv.png[/img][/center] Lizzie had made a teasing comment the night before towards Barboda and Tesoro for not joining in the drinking, yet she followed it up with letting them know she could respect their decision. She’d also informed the crew that, while it was up to them how much they drank, if it ended up affecting their ability to perform their duties if they were to be attacked there would be consequences. She knew that for some, including herself, having some alcohol in their system caused them to actually perform duties better especially if it came to a fight. She didn’t second guess her decisions then and was quicker to react. So she’d only drank enough to relax and enjoy the night. The next morning she was up early, familiarizing herself with the captain’s quarters and the map of Avalia. If her calculations were correct they were nearing those Dread Isles, if she turned them a few clicks northeast they’d head closer to the mainland and then likely come across some merchant ships if this world worked the same as theirs. So with that she left her cabin and took the helm, relieving whoever was there at the time. She then turned them in the direction she decided, not diverting too much from the path they were already taking. It was a little later in the morning that she took notice of the schooner off to their east. She kept an eye on it, pointing it out to the crew, but not making any move towards it just yet. She did note that they seemed to be following them and this intrigued her. As the schooner got closer she could now see a black flag they were flying. It was Tigerlily who informed her that this was one of Captain Ardyn’s ships and Lizzie was sure this was going to be an interesting encounter. Might as well speak with them as this schooner was faster than them due to its smaller size. She ordered for the sails to be lowered some and to let them approach, but to be prepared for anything. She slowly left the helm, eyeing the three on the other ship as one of them began speaking. She eyed the one mean-mugging them and merely gave him a smirk before looking back at the spokesman of the group. [color=CE9B08]”That would be me.”[/color] She said as she moved to the railing, but she made no move to go over to their ship at all. Instead she laced her fingers together, placed her elbows on the railing, then rested her chin atop her linked hands and grinned down at the three. [color=CE9B08]”However if you wish to speak to me, ye can come over here or we can stay on our proper ships and speak as we are now. Whatever ye need to discuss with me can be discussed in front of my crew.”[/color] She stood back up and gestured to her crew, glancing at all of them then back at Vellen. [color=CE9B08]”And if that doesn’t work for ya then you can right fuck off.”[/color] She told him, giving him the sweetest smile as she did so.