Arma eagerly stuffed himself with all the different types of food. He had not seen such a selection since… ever. Back at the dojo it was the same thing every day. The food did have variations but it was mostly the same thing. Home grown vegetables and fruits and meat once every two weeks. Unless it was a celebration then they’d take the biggest and fattest one they had and turn it into a meal. He listened to his two companions talk about themselves. First was the one called Ferrin Aren. He was rather fit and looking over, Arma could see that he was well trained. Upon the mention of a spar his eyes glinted with excitement and he spoke in a tone that was uncharacteristic of what they had seen. “A spar?” He smiled. “I’d love to. It would be good to shake off the soreness of travel. I don’t mind if you even use your weapons.” He locked eyes with the Scorchio, issuing a silent challenge before turning his attention to his other companion. He turned around just in time as the Ixi pulled off her hood. The contrast in color caused Arma’s eyes to widen. “I like your hair, its a really cool colour.” She talked about where she came from and saw how here eyes darted to Ferrin. It seems like these two were locals around these parts. To be honest he didn’t care where they were from as long as they were good people. One’s background does not define them unless they allow it too. When she got into her skill set his eyes got wider. “Magic?! That’s so cool!” He paused, realizing that his sudden excitement might put her off. Once he calmed down, the Bori added with a smile. “Bows and magic. That’s a pretty good combination if you ask me.” His attention was once again stolen by food as he noticed the delicious desserts waiting to be eaten.