[hider=The Cutthroat] [b]Name[/b]: Rayth Gerak [b]Race[/b]: Male [b]Career/Class[/b]: Bladesman and Thug [b]Sex[/b]: Male [b]Physical Description[/b]: A lean, fit, rakishly handsome man with brown hair and glimmering dark eyes, with a navy blue tunic over chainmail (covering leather) and loose fitting dark brown trousers. He has a fair face, albeit with a scar at the left of his chin and running down his jawline. His hair is wavy, loose and tousled. Not entirely groomed as he was raised, he still looks more or less presentable, and perhaps charming when he feels the need to present himself as such. He has the look of a man stepping out of youth, refined and matured like silver through a fiery crucible. [b]Personality (can be small)[/b]: There's always an intensity about Rayth, be it with fighting, betting, or love. He prefers to strike when the iron's hot, and the only thing as quick as his blade is his tongue. Growing up as a thief and street tough, he was inducted into a hospital that raised him from adolescence to adulthood before he joined a military campaign in the Dread Wastes, which ended in disaster. It left him with a lower value on life, so he'll not be too dismayed if he's paid to cut a throat or spill a bit of blood. The life of a mercenary has given him useful survival skills and some wisdom, but he's still vibrant in health and life. Equipment: [list] [*]Saber [*]Dagger [*]Traveling clothes [*] [/list] [/hider]