[hider=Yimu Pan][center][h2][u] Yimu Pan [/u][/h2][/center] [b][center] “Just because I can doesn’t mean I should and all that, but it also doesn’t necessarily mean I shouldn’t…” [/center][/b] [center][h3][b] 15 | Female | Rettanese | Commoner | 5.78 [/b] [/h3][/center][h3][u]P E R S O N A L I T Y [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ [Curious] ❖ [Unruly] ❖ [Resourceful] ❖ [Creative] ❖ [Determined][/indent] If Yimu’s personality were to be described in under ten words it would probably be something along the lines of, obsessively driven to learn and a compulsive shit-stirrer. On the one hand, first and foremost since the moment, she learned to read and discovered her knack for academics, acquiring new information has always been her foremost goal. On the other hand, Yimu is the kind of person that feels the need to stir up trouble wherever she goes, namely trouble for anyone who she deems deserving of it and while minor slights and accidents aren’t alone enough to put one on her shitlist, other things, like being born into too much money or demanding her respect certainly are. Stemming from a childhood filled with praises for her intelligence and later on reinforced by her own successes, Yimu has a very inflated sense of self-worth when it comes to her intelligence and looks down on those she perceives as having had their own successes simply handed to them. She is overconfident when it comes to her ability to deal with her problems and subsequently tends to be dismissive when it comes to the costs, risks and consequences of her actions. [h3][u]C H A R A C T E R A P P E A R A N C E [/u][/h3] Yimu would best be described as having a very plain and somewhat messy appearance, clearly of Rettanese decent, though perhaps with a little something else mixed in there, hard to say for certain. If anything were to stand out about her at all, it would be just how little effort she put into keeping her appearance up, with simple cheap clothing and tangled brown hair she clearly cut herself with the same lack of consideration that determined the rest of her appearance. [h3][u]L A N G U A G E S [/u][/h3] Yimu grew up speaking Rettanese and this is the language she is most comfortable speaking. Her mother made sure she was also capable of speaking Avincian, and though she still has a bit of an accent, Yimu’s fluency has rapidly improved since she started using the language more regularly. In addition, to speaking the languages, Yimu can read both Rettanese and Avincian, and thanks to her love of books, she can also read a little Inipori, though only to a basic level. [h3][u]T H E G I F T [/u][/h3] Looking at Yimu’s innate magical talents most mages wouldn’t be impressed, if anything they’d think her magically crippled, a truecaster with a RAS below average for even a normal mage. An astoundingly rare occurance, and not for the better. What truly makes her stand out in spite of her shortcomings, is just how good she is at using what she has. A prodigiously quick learner with an above-average control of her magic, Yimu has excelled at what little magical training she has received thus far. Yimu favours no particular school, finding the idea of specialising to be both self-limiting and a wasted opportunity to learn, and thus, wholly intolerable. [h3][u]B A C K G R O U N D [/u][/h3] Yimu was raised in her early years by her mother. She never really had any idea who exactly her father was and given her mother’s line of work, it could have realistically been nearly anyone, though considering that her mother always described her as their ticket out of the lower class while she was alive and the fact that she later manifested magic, Yimu suspects her mother knew exactly who her father was, presumably some noble or merchant. Owing to her mother’s belief that Yimu would pull the two of them out of poverty, Yimu was provided with an education. Certainly, it was nothing compared to what most nobles had, or even what some merchants received, but it was a far cry better than what the average commoner received, which is to say, any education at all. Unfortunately, funding that education wasn’t exactly cheap and her mother’s work wasn’t without its risks, and when Yimu was 9 she was promptly orphaned. Yimu managed to avoid sleeping on the streets for the most part, especially once she got used to surviving on her own. Most of the time she made do by selling her help to any inns or merchants that would accept it in exchange for food and shelter, it certainly helped that she had some measure of education and that she very quickly learned to pick up on the kinds of people would feel bad for her and the kinds that she shouldn’t approach. During this period she spent most of her free time immersed in reading whatever she could get her hands on, often over and over again when she didn’t have anything new to read. She acquired new reading materials whenever the opportunities presented themselves, often as payment from merchants carrying them, or occasionally, quietly slipped away with after they were left behind at an inn she was working at. It was in this way that she first discovered magic, in the contents of a book left forgotten by a wealthy patron at some inn. She’d tried it out on a whim, a simple arcane drawing of the light and heat from a candle, not really expecting anything of it, magical aptitude was reserved for the elite after all. Except it had worked. The candle had dimmed and flickered, before snuffing out entirely, only to be returned to its original state after a little further reading and some trial and error. It didn’t take long after that for Yimu to be outed as a mage, no doubt in large part due to how blatantly she practised and studied magic in public places, and her brazen self-advertising of her magical capabilities as a means of getting more and better work for herself. Not that she was particularly trying to hide it really, if anything it afforded her an opportunity, one which she happily leveraged when she was eventually approached, using it to get herself some basic training and eventually a spot in the Academy. [h3][u]M O T I V A T I O N [/u][/h3] Above all else Yimu desires to learn, something she thought she’d never get the opportunity to do in earnest and fully intends to capitalise on now that she has such an opportunity. Secondary to that is the fact that she’s now surrounded by the sorts of people she views as having had their successes handed to them on a silver platter, she simply isn't willing to fall behind in such an environment and showing up the competition would just be icing on the cake. [h3][u]I N V E N T O R Y [/u][/h3] Yimu’s possessions are relatively straightforward, the bare necessities needed to survive for someone that moves around a lot. Her clothes are cheap, but not so cheap as to simply fall apart and not so sturdy as to outlast Yimu’s growth. She also has books, lots and lots of books. The contents of the books vary greatly from fiction to more academic works, though the newest of them tend towards the latter, specifically detailing magical theory. Regardless of genre all Yimu's books appear well-read and loved. [h3][u]S T R E N G T H S & S K I L L S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ Quick Learner ❖ Opportunist ❖ Schemer ❖ Improviser ❖ Living Encyclopedia[/indent] [h3][u]W E A K N E S S E S & F L A W S [/u][/h3] [indent]❖ Low Magical Potential ❖ Abrasive Personality ❖ Compulsive Troublemaker ❖ Physically Inept ❖ Overly Confident[/indent] [h3][u]M I S C E L L A N E O U S [/u][/h3][/hider]