Say'ri smiles as she puts the last payment into her now empty delivery bag and starts hurrying back to the lower quarter, "That's the last one I can now head back get my direct my 25% bonus for working today and i can then head out to find her house while most of the guards are distracted with the festivities," Raiga snorts, makes an irritated twitch of her tail, and moves ahead, "Yes Raiga I know I've had other chances but now I know a straight path to the Upper Quarter and plus it'll be a nice night so there shouldn't be very many problems." After about 20 minutes she reaches a small store and walks in while Raiga curls up outside. Inside there are tons of boxes and random stuff piled around the store with a single older gentleman sitting at the counter talking with a guard. Without breaking the conversation he grabs a small sack of gald and hands it to Say'ri. She smiles and nods politely to the guard before stepping into a corner and waiting for the conversation to end. As the guard leaves the owner turns to her, "So any idea how much longer It'll take before you can head back to Dahngrest? Shouldn't be too much longer right?" She shakes her head, "At this rate it should only be a couple week before I can pay my way back and have a nice amount left over for whatever I may need when I get there," Turning she looks around, "Well I need to get going so I'll see you tomorrow!" she hurries out before he has a chance to respond, [i]'Well time to go change back into my usual clothes and find her house... This is going to be a pain...'[/i]