The Great Wound tortures the sky above them, warpfire and demons spilling out of it like an open wound shorn across the sky. Like a falling star, the blade that had split the galaxy was gone just as it had appeared, disappearing into the infinite, unfathomable distance of the Milky Way and outside all of the sensors they were legally allowed. A billion impossible colors dance in front of their eyes, most of them not warp entities eager to sate themselves on mortal souls, and others... Well. It may have been the single most beautiful thing Kaithe had ever seen, but, like all beautiful things in this galaxy, that often meant it was trying to kill them somehow. This time was different, however. Not many things delivered a Living Saint to her planet- Saints that had decided to nest inside her body to nest and heal. The spirit had explained that the Rift had disassembled her body, scattered it across the Warp and Realspace, leaving its most sentient parts to find refuge in loyal, devout followers. "Commander?" The softness to their voices still manages to surprise her even after all this time. Eternally polite and amenable, the affability of the T'au had become tolerable for her now, but she suspected the visitor inside her would disagree once she awoke. Once she realized the host she'd chosen had betrayed her planet to the T'au. -=- I'm an advanced-novella writer looking for a GM. I have writing samples on my profile and will appreciate my partners having their own prepared to share. The plot of this surrounds a mutinous member of the Planetary Defense Forces surrendering her planet the T'au in the absence of a liberation force. Details TBD; I have more, but don't want to get carried away. Thanks.