[center][img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/654438713455149084/873479307715051540/image.png[/img][sub][color=goldenrod]Interaction[/color] | The Giant Squid [color=goldenrod]Location[/color] | Atlantic Ocean [/sub][/center][hr] Kila did his best to tread in place, watching the others as they sprung into action. His jaw and teeth clenched with Mirage’s command. Summon a shark…Did…No, Kila didn’t make it explicitly clear that he wasn’t in command of his apparent abilities. Or…perhaps he was, it was obvious that she’d seen it before, but how is it that Kila had not? He was trained not to rely on skills or abilities that he didn’t possess. Well, what was he supposed to do when he was called to task to use an ability that he had…but didn’t know how to use? The only thing he could think to do, was attempt to inform Mirage of that incapability. Though, there was something else that he took notice of that felt more concerning to his immediate situation…The ringing in his head didn’t seem to be in his head at all. Actually, it seemed to be somewhat external, at least from his body. His immediate thought went to the submarine, which he turned his eye to as it was taking cover away from the attacking cephalopod. Though, the sound of rushing water and bubbles in his ears would have made it impossible to hear the submarine from that distance and the screeching only seemed to be getting louder… Wait, Kila was a little ways from the direct action with Mirage and the squid…why was the sound so loud? Thinking about it directly, he checked his other senses. That was when he sharply noticed that he was taking more conscious and labored breaths. His suit did take a direct hit from the squid but that shouldn’t have been enough to compromise the durability…Still, it was now obvious that the air tank has been damaged. Despite the sudden rush of pace in his heartbeat, he kept calm, trying to strategically take breaths. Swimming up to the surface was futile, they were too deep, going by how hard it was getting to breathe at the moment. The only option was to inform the team. [color=goldenrod]”Team, quickly, my suit has been-“[/color] It was only a small prickling feeling of cold that hit the back of his neck that silenced him. He was trying to speak but no words came from his lips…The cold…it was wet. His head suddenly panged, drums rattling his temples with pain. His eyes went to his team, and he tried to will himself to at least swim in their direction. However, his body disobeyed Kila’s plight, limbs only trembling in response and he started sinking. The young lion felt his vision getting hazy…was he drowning? It had been so long since he’d felt anything like this; helplessness…Something touched his back…Did one of them…grab him…? C…n’t tell…dark now…g..ting q…ter…