[color=steelblue][h2]Bocri Sauburc[/h2][/color] [hr] Bocri could have hugged whoever designed the Republics military fleet. The vents were large, not big enough for him to stand upright, but certainly large enough for him to move through at a quick jog while doubled over. [color=salmon][i]"Just enough clones needed to monitor the ship and maintain our position in orbit."[/i][/color] Hirani was right, that meant there was still a considerable number of armed and dangerous troopers anywhere on the ship at this moment, and they were certainly looking for the two jedi. [color=steelblue][i]"Be careful, see you soon.[/i][/color] He replied quickly even as he launched himself upward into the vents of the next level. He knew that Master Kenobi has tried a similar trick on a Federation battle cruiser and the crew had been unable to track them, he hoped the Republic had not thought to correct that oversight. His travel through the vents turned out to be a somewhat educational experience. There were multiple various types and it was quickly obvious he had chosen the heat exchange vents as blasts of hot air came ripping by on a regular basis. Sometimes it smelled of food, the galley venting, or sweaty feet, likely a sleeping quarters, once the smell of engine solvents, which could only be the small shuttle bay since the main bay was still venting into open space. From time to time he could feel the presence of clones as they searched the ship. Interestingly enough, he could sense a measure of fear and panic among most of them. It seemed that they were well aware that the loss of surprise was not working in their favour. Once he paused to listen as a squad passed below him. "They're both gone." "That isn't good. I heard the medics can't wake CC-9547 and his squad from whatever Master Hirani did to them." "I thought I had some idea of how strong they were, but I guess not. Five in a dead sleep we can't fix and hundreds vented to space by Master Bocri." Their voices faded as they passed on. Behind them they left feelings of terror and anxiety. Part of Bocri was angry at the situation, but he was fairly certain that the clones were not responsible for what was happening. Not that it mattered, the only friend he had left on this ship was Hirani. [color=steelblue][i]"Where are you?"[/i][/color] He launched the question to Hirani. He could sense her closer now as he clambered up vents and gained deck levels. If he could join with her, they would be able to take the bridge quickly and quietly.