[center] [color=a0410d][h2] Ethodi [/h2][/color] [hr] The shadowed creature that formed in front of her eyes did little to alert her other senses, possessing little in means of a distinguishable signature in the air besides the light breeze of its wings. She paused as it spoke, though it has no distinguishable mouth to speak from, thinking less of that and more of how such a small creature would taste, though in hospitality and as it could speak in some manner, she could not venture to eat it outright. [quote=@Dark Light]”Hello, how can I help you?”[/quote] After checking to see her coins still laying as they were upon the table, she allowed a thought to pass by her lips of an old drink she had once. "[color=a0410d]A thing of spiced Mulsum would be quite the treat for now and that should cover its cost,[/color]" She gestured to the table with a single hand, removing it from under her scaled chin and stared unblinking and pointedly at the creature for only a few seconds before returning to her other observations. From across the room and in her peripherals she observed yet another newcomer to the tavern, who was personally greeted by the man behind the bar. Sir Vendril and Dorian Radshaw were their names, and perhaps she could make their acquaintance, though as she was quite too comfortable wrapped around her table to go venturing after them to do so herself, especially as the large hat-ed gentleman walked a little around the tavern's floor. Instead she was content to sit and wait, moving oh so very little once she had replaced her hands under her chin and turned just enough to be comfortable again. [/center]