[Center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/28hFcDbZ/Rain-Header-2.png[/img][/center] [Color=silver][b]Location:[/b][/color] Submarine [Color=silver][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] Alisa [@canaryrose], Kass [@Mistress Dizzy], Talon[hr] There was a long silence between Rain and Talon which as odd as it seemed, was a good thing. The tension between them almost seemed absolute, so as long as they were quiet and not at each other's throats, life was pleasant for the most part. Despite his back and forth with Viktor, Talon continued to adjust the ship so that he continued to flank it and leave the rest of the team out of the submarine's line of fire. Even though Viktor was just standing there not saying a thing, he hated that some of what he was saying was right. He HAD to take the position Viktor told him to and that ate him up some. Meanwhile, Viktor continued to watch and listen. But a sudden ping requested him on a private channel. With a click of the earpiece, he switched over. [Color=silver][I]Alisa.[/I][/color] She came in clear, but he could tell by her tone she was not entirely comfortable with calling him out. He looked down at Talon who had one hand balled in a fist. Viktor was going to say something but simply walked away without a word so he could reply to Alisa privately and not escalate matters with Talon. [Color=silver]“Cybergirl. I'm not surprised I somewhat agree with your thinking, [b]but[/b] you fail to consider our mission's main objective. Sure, keeping a low profile is of the utmost importance. And we should do everything we can to maintain that, [b]but[/b] should we use up our lives and resources in an encounter with this creature to remain covert?”[/color] Viktor's tone was starting to come across as a bit colder than usual. His eyes were peering through another window as he continued. [Color=silver]“The answer is no, Cybergirl. Do you even see what's happening? Brightheart has already used some of her supply of UV. She will be less effective if we run into trouble with another threat or this squid we want to keep alive in the future. Nymph is without a suit for the time being. Who knows how her body will react to the saltwater if she's out there like that for too long. Metamorph's connection to fauna is seemingly absent when he's stern, as he is righ-”[/color] Viktor stopped and his eyes widened as he watched Kila begin to struggle in the water. Without another word, he switched back over to the main channel to listen to what was going on while heading back to Talon. [Color=silver]“Ready the laser cannon and aim at the far end of that thing's head!”[/color] Viktor demanded, yet Talon didn't budge. [Color=red]“No order was given. Get it through your thick head that you're not the leader of this team… and you never have been.”[/color] Talon said the last words with venom. The slight wince of Viktor's eyes meant the blow hit quite deep. [Color=silver]“Prepare for it then. At least aim at it. We need all our options ready.”[/color] [Color=red]“Fine, but [I]you[/I] are not making the call."[/color] [Color=silver]“I won't have to.”[/color] Viktor then addressed the others on comms. [Color=silver]“Team. Someone get Metamorph to the submarine! We're out of the way of the… squid.”[/color] Viktor watched as the squid took a hold of Kila. Dr. Bingley was maintaining his composure, keeping Alisa's words of confidence in mind, but his breathing had gotten a bit heavier as the situation began to escalate. Sure he expected a bit of danger, but nothing like this. A panel at the bottom of the submarine opened up and ejected what appeared to be a cannon that adjusted to aim at the squid. On the weapon system control panel in front of Talon, the weapon appeared to be calibrating as it tried to obtain a fixed line of fire. Both Talon and Viktor stared intensely at the control panel. [Color=silver]“I'm not going to order you to shoot it, but how do you think this plays out if you don't?”[/color] Talon kept to his disposition and did not fire the weapon, awaiting Kass' next course of action. He would just try to ignore Viktor, but it was getting difficult to watch how events were unfolding. He felt a bit sick, as there was a part of him that wanted to pull the trigger on the squid or as Viktor called it, the [I]target[/I].