[h2]What Goes Up Part 2 [/h2] [h3]Xengenics Lab, Khao Yai Greenleaf[/h3] OOC: JP between [@Winters], [@MK Blitzen] [@Yule] [table] [row][cell][/cell][cell][/cell][cell][/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5281577][img] https://i.imgur.com/1CPW58D.png [/img][/url][/center] [/cell] [cell][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5281574][img] https://i.imgur.com/T64wNiT.png [/img][/url][/center][/cell] [cell][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5281589][img] https://i.imgur.com/66r372Q.png [/img][/url][/center][/cell][/row] [/table][hr] [hider= Whatever Bubbles Bubbles Up^] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fRcFSbAcmE[/youtube] [/hider] Despite the humidity, Cyd set up where she could keep eyes on the building, ignoring her brother's antics while she tapped away on her keypad. Line after line scrolled in front of her, looking for an in. Cameras, cameras, cameras…. Luckily the time on the shuttle gave her an opportunity to find the breach she needed. “I’ve got the cameras,” She told her sibs as they appeared on her screen. “Mat, do what you do.” "Did you give us a code name … ah, nevermind going in." Mathias walked along checking his watch and picking up his pace. The guard would be heading for his smoke break like he did every day at the same time to the same spot. It was secret and out of the way. Bless smokers and their habits. "You're now 'Dork One'." Isaac giggled as he whispered into his ear mic. "Dork One is on the move." He added as he slipped casually behind a corner waiting for Mathias's next move. Mathias snorted as he turned the corner and saw a man in a grey guard uniform struggling with his lighter and muttering a stream of curses. "Hey lemme help you out with that." Mathias offered with a smile as he dug in his pocket for a lighter. "Thanks man. I've been meaning to get a new one but I keep forgetting." He said gratefully accepted the fresh lighter just as he got sucker punched. The guard went down hard and Mathias almost felt bad for the guy. "Whale penis one to whale penis two. You suck." He smiled as he stripped and bound the guard. The outfit was a bit tight but it was passable. Taking the card he ran it through the small wireless sniffer for Cyd to record. "The wolf is in sheep clothing …" Isaac cocked his head to one side in confusion but then heard his cue to head over. When he stepped out, he has already put on the party store lab coat they had picked up earlier and was stuffing his backpack into a cooler brightly labeled 'BIOHAZARD'. As he closed the cooler, he quickened his pace to hits brother's location. "Dude! Why would you give us those call signs??? That's [i]way[/i] worse than 'Dork'!" Isaac protested to Mathias. “We’re not using call signs,” Cyd reprimanded, keeping her eye on the screens. Time check, cameras. Cameras on the first floor were successfully looped, meaning she’d have to be selective over when to let footage through so it wouldn’t be suspicious if it were empty all the time. “Unless I get to make them up. Just get him up to the 74th floor, get me plugged in, and get out.” "Killjoy." Mathias accused quietly. "What, you started it, whatcha think a dork is … dork." He pointed out to his brother as he opened the door to let him in first. Isaac shrugged as he walked past 'Officer' Mathias. "I dunno….you?" He smirked as he quickened his pace to get out of smacking range. After his brother followed inside, he slowed to get side by side with him to really sell the whole 'security escorted delivery' vibe. "Ok," he whispered to their eye in the sky while looking straight ahead, "which way to the elevators?" “You’re going to want to take the ones on the west side of the building. Turn right at the next corridor and follow it half way down,” She directed. Time check, cameras, sibs. “Be careful, you have actual security coming up before then.” "Hmm hm." Mathias replied, lowering his cap a bit. It was amazing what you could get away with when you walked in looking and acting like you belong. People rarely cared, particular when you looked like you worked at the lowest pay grade. Mathias walked escorting his scientist brother like it was just another day. Isaac adjusted the for of his coat by shimmying his shoulders a little and stood a bit straighter, his demeanor serious. [i]Dang it. Should've bought a pocket protector[/i], he thought to himself. Clearly, so scientists have those, but he figured they'd just have to make do. The two approached the small guard's desk. Isaac slowed his pace a half step to allow Mathias to take the lead speaking to the guards. “Camera will be on the left side in the elevator, “ Cyd warned. “I have to give live feed, heads down and right.” The guard was busy reading a book with only the occasional glance up at the monitor. He didn't even notice Mathias at first till he cleared his throat. The man saw the uniform and the lab coat and slid a clipboard for the pair to sign in. Mathias scribbled a name on the paper before passing it back. The man grunted, waved them along and clicked the buzzer to let them through. Already having received a warning for the camera location Mathais made sure to stand at his brother's right side using his taller frame to obfuscate Issac as they waited for the elevator, his head tilted slightly down and to the right. Isaac remained in lockstep with his brother, his straight ahead as his eyes darted until they caught sight of the camera their sister warned them about. He looked straight ahead and whispered "Ten o'clock high" to alert Mathias. Mathais gave an imperceptible nod as he gave a focused but bored look. Fortunately, he did need to act mildly irritated, given how damn slow the elevator was. After what seemed like a month of Sundays, the elevator door gave a depressing ding as the pair had to step aside letting the people who had rode down out. At least the elevator was going to be empty for the ride up. 'Happy thoughts Mathias' he thought to himself and he pressed the button for the requested floor. Isaac remained stone faced, really trying to sell the whole 'serious professional' thing, even if it was to an audience of exactly zero actual employees. He dared not glance at his brother for fear he'd start giggling. The floors counted up agonizingly slow. 20...21...22...his fingers tapped on the plastic handle of the cooler instinctively to the rhythm of the numbers changing on the small digital screen above the buttons. "All this money dumped into the eyesore and you would think … hey let's install high tech fast moving elevators but nope … they go out of their way to find, hands down, the shittiest slowest moving elevators in the 'verse." Mathais muttered quietly. 31...32...33...Isaac added a little syncopation in his finger tapping to counter point the elevator's beat. Very softly, he absentmindedly started singing "You're a shining star...no matter who you are…" " … shining bright to see … what you can truly be … Now cut the shit." Mathais whispered.