[h2]What Goes Up Part 4 [/h2] [h3]Xengenics Lab, Khao Yai Greenleaf[/h3] OOC: JP between [@Winters], [@MK Blitzen] [@Yule] [table] [row][cell][/cell][cell][/cell][cell][/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5281577][img] https://i.imgur.com/1CPW58D.png [/img][/url][/center] [/cell] [cell][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5281574][img] https://i.imgur.com/T64wNiT.png [/img][/url][/center][/cell] [cell][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5281589][img] https://i.imgur.com/66r372Q.png [/img][/url][/center][/cell][/row] [/table][hr] [hider= Whatever Bubbles Bubbles Up^] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fRcFSbAcmE[/youtube] [/hider] Cyd let out a slow breath, moving boxes around on the screen, trying to keep eyes everywhere. Time check. Camera Check. Sib Check. Downloads. “One more file to go, Lolo.” "So long as I don't get a whale penis codename." Isaac bristled. "Stupid dork." He grumbled as he tapped on the edges of the keyboard waiting for the download to finish. All in all, this whole thing might go pretty painlessly. He patted at the plastic housing as he watched the little completion bar slowly fill. "Too bad we couldn't BASE jump or do some sort of exciting escape like in all of those action flicks." He said to no one in particular. He spent quite a bit of his free time consuming low budget action and spy shows on how sister's cortex. "It's never as exciting as on the vids." He complained. “You don’t have the weight to BASE jump from this height,” Cyd said rationally. “You’d get tossed around like a leaf, end up lost in the jungle. Mathias… he should be okay.” "Only because he has such a fat head." Isaac giggled. “Says the guy who got his stuck in a cannon,” Cyd quipped back absently, focusing her attention on the screens. Time check, camera, sibs, downloads. That wasn’t the order of importance, mind you, but they all needed to be watched. "He could try and weight lift? Or just strap some weights to his feet." Mathias suggested. "Zip line?" The younger Skye continued suggesting. "Shoot an arrow at a neighboring building with a grappling hook attachment." "That only works in the movies." Mathias scoffed. "Fly over train heist!" Isaac offered with excitement. "Don't be stupid … who even do that?" You could hear the eye roll in Mathias's tone. “Focus,” Cyd pleaded, regretting her decision to kid around with them in the first place. Time check. Cameras. Sibs. Shit! “Mathias, take a hard right, you got a gaggle of suits coming from the left.” "I see 'em." Mathias acknowledged keeping his head down and giving ample room, his shoulder nearly brushing against the wall to stay out of the way. It was phenomenal how with the right costume how invisible you can become. In an office like this it was all the easy to move unnoticed. “Your mark is next to the corner office on the south side, you’ll see a reception area, and then it’s a straight walk. Mark is a blond ponytail, wearing blue on black,” Cyd studied the woman for a moment. “Cute, little older than us, tragic fringe on her forehead, but she’ll be the one smiling ear to ear because she…” Cyd deleted a few lines quickly, wrangling the virus back up, “just unfoked the terminal. You’re up.” Sibs. Download. Mathias slowed and shortened his stride just a hair, sipping a bit of water he had nabbed from the cooler. He looked away as if something else had caught his interest, Mathais wanted to sell this after all and bumped right into the poor girl as she was making a hasty exit from the cubicle. The water in the cup went flying. "Oh! OH! I am SO sorry!" Mathias said, quickly digging out a napkin from his pocket. "It's just water I swear! I wasn't looking where I was going, it was totally on me …" He apologized trying to hastily but politely wipe off the excess water from the poor women. “No, no, it’s fine,” she told him, taking the napkin from him to dry off. “I only wear stain resistant, so, even if it were red wine,” she caught a glimpse of his blue eyes and smiled. “Not that you’d be drinking red wine, at work, I mean. Maybe after work you would. Oh, I’m not not suggesting drinking with me, or that we get a drink, you know what, this has HR written all over it. Thanks for the uh… water.” "Maybe … you I mean I would never assume, just don't often have call to drink wine and …" Mathais fumbled his words. " … not that I think it's not nice or anything, it's perfectly fine. Okay I am going to take my foot out of my mouth." Mathias cleared his throat. "If you … you need anything, later or after work I mean you least I can do for having two left feet … just look around the one security guy fumbling around." He said with a weak but bright smile. “I might,” She offered. “I’m Kari, from 74. IT. “ "Ooh la la!" Isaac teased in his brother's earpiece. "This is better than Cyd's trashy shows!" "Jimi security … I'm um … just a temp." He said, extending a hand to the girl. "I love you, Kari. You're the only one for me." Isaac said in an exaggerated sultry voice. “Sarah sent two messages. You want me to read them to you over the com?” Cyd asked. Time Check. Cameras. Sibs. Downloads. Isaac gasped. "Could you?" He asked excitedly. Cyd couldn’t help but roll her eyes, just like Isaac to call a bluff. “Files are done. Grab the dongle, head down to Mat, coast looks clear Lo. Mathias, head to the east side elevators, Isaac, go the opposite way you came in … " "As you say whale penis 3 … " Mathias complied in a lackadaisical tone. "Gross." Isaac interjected. Time check. “Yeah, just – “ Cameras. Cyd’s train of thought stopped at the cameras, staring at the screen in momentarily disbelief. “No, no no no… “ Sibs! “LoLo get out of there, Mathias, do NOT take the elevator. There’s a…” A piercing alarm assaulted the ears of everyone in the building, strobe lights by the ceiling flashing as an alert as well. It was the same way they’d describe some of the raves they’d been too, complete with shouting people and panic. “Fire on the ground floor,” Cyd told them. “They’re evac’ing the building. Lo, you gotta get out of there, now.” "No sweat." Isaac said cheerfully as he popped out the dongle and headed for the exit. "Lucky for us, huh? All we gotta do is just walk out with everyone else-" He was halfway there when large metal shutters descended on the windows and door of the server room. "Uuuhhh….whale penis one? …...help?"