[@Martian] Currently considering a new candidate to take up the mantle of [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thunderstrike_(Eric_Masterson)]Thunderstrike[/url] (Essentially a poor man's Thor). Eric Masterson was the first to take up the mantle. Then the mace was taken up by his son, Kevin Masterson. I'm a little interested in the idea of Foggy Nelson, of Daredevil fame, finding the mace and finally joining the ranks of the super powered. Thunderstrike is designed to be of extraordinary Asgardian physiology, but still dwarfed in comparison to Thor. Strong, but not OP. Foggy Nelson has always played the sidekick, has never been portrayed as being terribly in-shape, and has had close association with superheroes (and villains) throughout his career. Could be fun.