[b]O'Menus[/b][hr] [indent][indent]O'Menus looked off in the direction Flower pointed out. The strange flying creatures above appeared to be made of silk of some kind or perhaps he was just wishing it so. Their ribbon-like bodies would've made nice finery, he believed... if only he had the time. At the moment, his current predicament took precedence. That meant keeping Flower safe at least until they had a better grasp of the situation. With a muted grunt, O'Menus started off through the shady forest. Upon seeing the curious grey creatures, he deemed them paltry threats and continued onward. That was until the feral Goddess readied herself to pounce. He paused his gait, giving life to frustration for being constrained to the group and Flower. Swiping his hand down his face, O'Menus looked to the others before laying his gaze on Flower. At once understanding and being annoyed with the fact that Flower probably needed some kind of food. And somewhere, buried deep but not deep enough, he figured there was fear driving his impatience. That gnawing sensation of uncertainty against that horned-mortal had never left him, only grew and festered the longer he was left in the dark of this new era. "We don't have time for this," he growled while steam begin to rise from his skin. "She can catch up later, I'm sure her nose will lead her to us." [/indent][/indent]