[center][img]https://i.ibb.co/JdHnDSt/Daphne-header-avi-4.png[/img] [img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjg4LmIwZWM5MS5Ubmx0Y0dnLjA/nebulo.demo.png[/img][/center] [color=Lightgreen][b]Location:[/b][/color] Atlantic Ocean [color=Lightgreen][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] The squid [hr] The intense rays of sunlight coming from Aleen'a's device activated Daphne's photosynthesis. The cells in her body started to react to the light, making her skin tingle. She quickly took of her suit in order to absorb as much light as she could. Daphne knew the devices Brightheart carried were meant to be used by her, in case of emergency. She hoped she still had enough left over to use when she needed it. Daphne smiled and stuck out her thumbs to Aleen'a. It was definitely working. She concentrated her thoughts and newly acquired energy on growing out her hair. The vines quickly started to increase in length, reaching nearly three times the size of her body. They floated around her like a canopy of leaves and twine. She was ready to tie up this squid! She swam closer towards it and located to the spots Kassy told her to tie up earlier. Daphne sent out her first vines to trap one of the tentacles. It latched onto it and intertwined, tying her together with the squid. She kept at it, maintaining complete focus. The squid barely seemed to notice her. Daphne quickly realized why. One of the tentacles she hadn't tied up yet was hauling in a Team member. Her eyes widened in shock. Se couldn't make out who was being attacked, she had to get closer. She tugged on one of the vines to force a reaction out of the squid. It retracted its tentacle, pulling her closer. Daphne recognized the suit, it was Kila. Through the vines and tentacles she saw something that sent shivers down her entire body. The squid was trying to force open Kila's helmet with its beak. [color=Lightgreen][i]She had to do something![/i][/color] Her hand went up to her ear only to realize she couldn't use comms. [color=Lightgreen][i]Oh no.....[/i][/color] Daphne was determined to keep the squid away from Kila. She gathered the remaining vines and sent them at the squid's beak, forcing it shut. It took a lot of strain to keep it from snapping at Kila, some of the vines started to snap. It forced her to release some of the tentacles to free up more vines to tie around the beak. [color=Lightgreen][i]Come on guys...[/i][/color]