[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/1trNZ24.png[/img] [color=orange]Location: Under the Sea, Fighting Interaction: Brightheart, Nymph, Zatara[/color] [/center] Mirage spun in place as her carefully thought out plan started to splinter. Nymph couldn’t get the kelp to listen. Maybe if she had more time? Brightheart had to use one of her powerful sun holders to get that going. She had to return her attention to her enemy, so she summoned a second water ball and let it launch. Suddenly, things started happening all at once. They all got a hasty comm from Kila: “Team, quickly, my suit has been-” Then a rather terrifying silence. Rain was next, giving a command before she could open her mouth. Since it was the right call, she didn’t go over his head. But she’d talk to him later. She peered through the deep water, finally spotting a splash of green that wasn’t kelp. Nymph was near the creature’s mouth, trying to tie it shut. With vines coming from her head. That was brave and stupid in equal measure.[color=orange] “Nymph, move! We can’t have your suit faili – wait where [i]is[/i] your suit?! NYMPH!”[/color] That was a sharp cry, even though the green girl couldn’t hear it. She had been planning to get Nymph back to the ship with Metamorph. But without her helmet, Nymph was on her own. That was going to have to be addressed later as well. Having no choice but to piggyback off of Rain’s command, she started swimming toward the squid’s mouth to back her up. [color=orange]“New plan! Brightheart, get Metamorph back to the sub immediately! Zatara, get on conjuring that squid, as big as you can get it! I have to back up Nymph!”[/color] This was turning into a disaster. No, [i]no[/i] - she had to trust in the team, and herself. Acclimate. Adapt. Overcome. She could do this, they all could. All they needed was a little more time. She started reeling back her staff, summoning air as she approached the great creature. [color=orange]“Sorry, old one!”[/color] She let out a full strike against the beak, backed by a speedy burst of air. It hit like a baseball bat smacking a home run.