[centre][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/genkai-mincho-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210719/7d5dc2523559a51476f41c148e59eacf.png[/img][/url][/centre] [@Ozzy Cross][@Forsythe][@RedPandaGamer][@Searat] [color=9e0b0f]"Alright, if a bunch of branches is what you want, a bunch of branches you shall get."[/color] Yoshina responded, quickly putting her hands to work gathering any remaining branches scattered around her. They are in the edges of the forest after all, and thank goodness that the trees in this forbidden forest tend to shave a lot of branches off. It almost feels like the expansion of this forest is being hampered by something rather... magical. But that is a mystery for a later time. Yoshina brought Rudolph a bunch of branches, and then quickly parted off again, the Princess highly intent on continuing her temporary mission of... gathering branches... She knew that this is not necessarily the most exciting thing to do right now, but in a way she is glad that she's doing this. All that action for today, the time with the bandits and then the time with the branches, are slowly winding down for the day. And Yoshina feels like the group needed some respite from all the nonsense pouring their way. [color=9e0b0f]"I got more branches."[/color] Yoshina replied, bringing another huge stack of branches and dropping it in a growing woodpile in front of Rudolph. [color=9e0b0f]"Do you need more? That seems like a lot of branches to do an advanced spell."[/color]