Valinor. [hider=Colyne Valcal] [center][h1]Colyne Valcal[/h1] [sub][i]"My mother taught me the virtues of Mara, the Crusaders instilled unto me the righteousness of Stendarr. From such comes my creed." [/i][/sub] [/center] [table] [row] [hr] [/row][row] [cell] [center][img][/img][/center] [center] ___________________________________[/center] P R O F I L E [indent] [sub]Known as[/sub] [indent][sub]Colyne[/sub][/indent] [sub]Height[/sub] [indent][sub]5’9” (175.26 cm)[/sub][/indent] [sub]Weight[/sub] [indent][sub]140 lbs (63 kg)[/sub][/indent] [sub]Gender[/sub] [indent][sub]Female[/sub][/indent] [sub]Race[/sub] [indent][sub]Breton[/sub][/indent] [sub]Age[/sub] [indent][sub]38[/sub][/indent] [sub]Birthsign[/sub] [indent][sub]The Ritual[/sub][/indent] [/indent] [center] ___________________________________[/center] C A P A B I L I T I E S [indent] [sub]Diety[/sub] [indent][sub]Stendarr[/sub][/indent] [sub]Attributes[/sub] [indent][sub]MAJOR: Strength minor:[/sub] [sub]Willpower[/sub][/indent] [sub]Skills[/sub] [indent][sub] [url=]Blade[/url] (Expert) [url=]Light Armor[/url] (Journeyman) [url=]Restoration[/url] (Journeyman ) [url=]Blunt[/url] (Apprentice) [url=]Athletics[/url] (Apprentice) [url=]Hand to Hand[/url] (Novice) [url=]Acrobatics[/url] (Novice) [url=]Alteration[/url] (Novice)[/sub][/indent] [sub]Spells[/sub] [indent][sub] [url=]Heal Greater Wounds[/url] [url=]Greater Convalescence[/url] [url=]Major Respite[/url] [url=]Heal Major Wounds[/url] [url=]Protect Other[/url] [url=]Protect[/url] [/sub][/indent] [/indent] [center] ___________________________________[/center] I N V E N T O R Y [indent] [sub]Weapons and tools[/sub] [indent][sub][url=]Steel Longsword[/url] [url=]Steel Dagger[/url] (Secondary) (NOTE: The dagger is mostly for a situation of exigency.) [/sub][/indent] [sub]Outfit[/sub] [indent][sub]Colyne wears a unique set of [url=]leather armor[/url] gifted to her when she joined the Crusaders. Aside from this her only other wardrobe consists of simple robes worn as a casual wear.[/sub][/indent] [sub]Consumables[/sub] [indent][sub]Bottle of [url=]Argonian Bloodwine[/url] Potions of Antivenom (3) Strong Potion of Invisibility (1)[/sub][/indent] [sub]Valuables[/sub] [indent][sub]None[/sub][/indent] [sub]Misc[/sub] [indent][sub]Hourglass Inkwell Quill Colyne’s Journal Gold (120) [/sub][/indent] [/indent] [/cell][cell] ____________________________________________________________________________ APPEARANCE [indent][sub] Colyne is of average height while maintaining a lean build from a life of martial training and adventuring. She has deep chestnut hair, brown eyes, and a strong jaw and high cheekbones. This and her slender frame have lead to remarks in the past on Colyne's mer heritage taking prominence, usually in jest. Her stern visage paired with her flat tone of voice tend to make her appear detached an uncaring, though she is anything but. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ MOTIVATION AND OUTLOOK [indent][sub] Colyne is devoted to serve the will of Stendarr. As a Crusader of Stendarr she protects the merciful god's holy sites, tends to the sick and needy, and eradicates heretics and evil when they are found. While she serves as an instrument of Stendarr Colyne also holds close the ideals of Mara as her mother was a devout follower of the goddess. The tenderness of Mara paired with the zeal and dedication to the God of Righteous Might and Merciful Forbearance has shaped Colyne into a vigorous and noble woman with an incorruptible outlook. While she can come off as somewhat stubborn she is willing to give ground in given circumstances, provided there is no outright insult or blasphemy against Stendarr involved. Her hard exterior encases an empathetic core that willfully seeks to aid those suffering or in need, be it through coin, healing magic, or her blade. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ HISTORY [indent][sub] Colyne Valcal was born in Wayrest in 3E 395, the daughter of a a simple shopkeeper and his wife. While her family bore no luxury they lived decently enough, none of them ever going hungry and always having clothes to wear and a roof over their head. Colyne’s mother was a devotee of Mara and raised the young girl on the teachings of Mara’s compassion. Her father - wanting better for his daughter - hoped for Colyne to marry a promising young man that could give her a future, not wanting her to live as a penniless shopkeep like himself. Colyne had no real friends as a child due to her shy nature and her doting parents keeping a tight reign on her. She had no hobbies aside from reading, entertaining herself with the history and legends of Tamriel from Saint Alessia to Tiber Septim. As Colyne aged she grew more confident and outspoken, her coy nature shedding away with maturity. Her parents while proud of her often worried, Colyne had no discernible interests or skills and she had shown more than once a revulsion to the idea of marriage. As time passed Colyne’s mother doubled her efforts into reminding the girl of the benevolent will of Mara and the importance of family and community, in time seemingly making progress in tempering the fierce spirit of her daughter. With any luck she would make a fine strong wife to a good husband that could offer her a future beyond what her parents could. When Colyne was eighteen her mother was taken by vampires, members of one of the clans of the Iliac Bay. Colyne would later be informed of her mother’s death at the hands of the fiends, an innocent random victim plucked away while visiting a friend outside of Wayrest. A morsel for an abomination to slake his thirst on. The devastation of the news sent her father into a deep despair. Colyne was likewise heartbroken but also enraged, disgusted that someone as good of heart and soul as her mother would suffer at the hands of such a monster. She spent days stewing, at first she blamed Mara for forsaking her servant, then herself and her father, then others. Not long after the funeral Colyne was approached by Ser Dorhon, a Crusader of Stendarr and one of the men who hunted down the vampires that had taken Colyne’s mother having been tracking them for weeks before. His offer of prayer and donation however was turned aside and the young Colyne instead asked to join the Crusaders of Stendarr. Dorhon - wary of her motivation - warned Colyne against making such a decision from a state of loss and retaliation. Colyne retorted that it wasn’t for herself that she wished to take up this path, or even for her mother, but for justice and right. Dorhon felt her naive and speaking rashly but considered still, seeing a fire in her eyes that was something other than a directionless desire for vengeance. The Crusader said that if Colyne could gain her father’s blessing he would take her with him and present her to his order. Colyne spent a week deliberating with her father, often the two devolving into bouts of shouting, the shopkeeper unwilling to risk his daughter having lost his wife. In the end Colyne would not be dissuaded and her father - head hung - gave in, informing Ser Dorhon that he had permission to take Colyne along when he next left Wayrest. Colyne left with Ser Dorhon for Cyrodiil and thus her life as a servant of Stendarr began it's course. The Crusader took it upon himself to train Colyne, drilling her rigorously in swordsmanship and teaching her in the school of restoration. He also educated Colyne in the history of Stendarr, the other divines, Oblivion and Daedra, and the Empire and Tamriel on the whole. When not with Ser Dorhon Colyne spent time with the priests of Stendarr practicing meditation and practicing her healing arts. Colyne would soon be accepted into the ranks of the Crusaders and a fine addition she would make. It has been twenty years since Colyne left High Rock and walking the path of Stendarr's righteous has taught her much; humility, dedication, loyalty, and a burning sense of justice. Through it all she has held on to what her mother taught her as a child, seeing these lessons of Mara as memoirs as much as personal morals. When not busy with her duties Colyne visits her father in Wayrest as she is able, his initial fear of her life as a Crusader has been replaced with a sense of pride, both in his daughter's accomplishments and the fine woman she has become. She leaves him money to put into his shop which he has managed to hold on to, despite his usual protests she always reminds him "Stendarr says give to the needy". Colyne's service as a Crusader has lead her to many places across High Rock, Cyrodiil, Hammerfell, and even the fringes of Skyrim. Be she partaking in exorcisms of evil, transporting coin or important missives for her order, or merely offering herself forth as a tool of aid to those in need. She crossed over to Cyrodiil recently on her way to Chorrol when she began experiencing bizarre and disturbing dreams. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ RELATIONSHIPS AND OPINIONS [indent][sub] Aside from her father and Ser Dorhon, Colyne has several companions among the faithful. Areldur, a Crusader, is a longtime colleague of Colyne’s with whom she shares a history predating his time at the Chapel of Stendarr. Orag gra-Bargul, an acolyte who staffs the Chapel along with Areldur, is another close friend of Colyne’s. In past visits she and the Orsimer woman have shared many long conversations that would last into the evening hours over wine, the Breton finding her to be good company. And then there is Verome, a wandering priest of Arkay that Colyne has traveled with in past visits to Cyrodiil, once even helping him out down a necromancer that has disturbed a graveyard with his foul magics. Aside from her hardline religious views Colyne is loyal to the Empire and it's founding principles and laws and holds a deep respect for Tiber Septim's line. While serving her god is foremost in her life she would just as well raise her blade against anything that threatened the Empire. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ MISC [indent][sub] [b]Character Flaws:[/b] While her fierce piety for Stendarr can be seen by many as noble and pure many could easily call Colyne very linear and confined in nature, even a militant. Though not brutal or heartless Colyne has no patience for corruption and injustice of any sort and is hard to steer away when such is spotted. She heeds by the laws of the Empire and it's various provinces but has found herself tempted before to cross boundaries to act on what she sees as a necessity of duty, thus far she has managed to overcome the temptation. [/sub][/indent] [/cell] [/row] [/table] [/hider] Let me know and I will gladly make any necessary changes. I have a few minor edits/checks/additions to make anyway. (Suggestions are also welcome.)