Kay smiled and let Trish get up first and off the bed. She quickly scribbled a note for John to say they were downstairs and placed it on his bedside table, just incase he woke up panicked and she couldn't get upstairs in time. She then got off the bed and straightened her clothing out, "well then, I guess you'll be a good helper!" she said to Trish with a smile, and heading downstairs with her, straight to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, she opened the various cupboards to find everything they'd need and the fridge to get out the other ingredients. "it's an impressive amount of stock but I can probably guarantee that most of this stuff wasn't obtained legally" Chas commented after noting how Serena reacted to it all. "if it wasn't you, I'd take some kind of offence to that Chas Chandler" the rugged scrawny bloke behind the counter spoke up, walking out of the dark part and into the more lit area. "good job it's me then." Chas replied, "so what do you want? Where's John, you don't normally visit without him" the guy replied, looking around for the recognisable blonde in a trenchcoat. "busy elsewhere. We've come on behalf on him. We need you to identify this for us, so we can figure out it's owner" Chas explained, letting Serena hand over the coin.