[@Dark Cloud] Fireball was a bit confused as people began to run from him. This wasn’t what he expected civilians’ response would be to a hero arriving to save the day. Fireball knew that he was quite tall and buff, so maybe they were envious of his physique and were running in shame over their bodies. But through the fleeing crowd came one voice. Fireball turned to his right, spotting a familiar figure. He was wearing a Fireball t-shirt, the only time in person that Benny saw someone wearing one since he started selling them online. The infernal hero racked his mind for a name as the apparent fan came up to him. He had wanted to say Keith, but then Benny remembered that was the sweaty guy at the card game tournaments. Granted they both looked similar, but as the fan got close, Benny recognized his specific acne. It was Gabe, the alleged number one fan of Fireball. Granted he was the only fan of Fireball that Benny had ever met. Once Gabe finished talking Fireball said, “That’s not usually how these things work. I mean you point me at the villain and I defeat them. But I do help civilians when I can. So how can I help you?”