[hider=Margret Winchester] [b]Name:[/b] Margret Winchester A.K.A Maggie [b]Age:[/b] 27 [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/cc462f79-8801-42c6-b3ff-616e8bdaea11.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Stubborn to a fault, Maggie is not afraid to speak up if something is wrong, or may become wrong very quickly. She seems bossy, but that is just because she cares a bit more than she probably should about certain people and things. Her kids are her everything, and she would take on a nest of vampires by herself to save them if need be. But she fits in with the Winchester attitude, a little cocky sometimes, and not afraid to spew out pop culture references and random facts regardless if they relate to the situation at hand or not. [b]Backstory:[/b] Her family got into hunting later in Maggie's life as it was the unfortunate situation of her family becoming the result of a hungry nest of wild vampires that never got the Rowena memo to only hunt specific types of humans. After losing her little brother and her grandmother that night, the family went into the deep end, bringing 12 year old Maggie into the life of a hunter and how to defend themselves. She became almost obsessed with out to kill things that went bump in the night, regardless of their 'extinct' status. She had heard of the infamous Winchester brothers, their legacy and how well they efficiently defended the living and her aim was to become just like- of not better than them. But wen she tuned 20, she met 22 year old Dean Winchester Jr.- Sam's son on a job and didn't even know that he was a Winchester until they had been talking for a few weeks and met up on a job in Utah. By that point, she was smitten and his last name meant nothing. Just that he had the same goals as she, and that he knew how to defend himself. He taught her how to fight like a Winchester, gave her family insight to the bunker and thousands of years of lore that Same transferred in over the years. Meeting Sam was like meeting her favorite celebrity. She panicked, fangirled, and then calmed down enough to ask him how he did it all those years and absorbed his advice like a sponge. And by 23, she was fortunate enough to be calling the legendary Winchester her father in law and changed her name from Hall to Winchester- with Robert(Bobby) and Mary being born a year and a half later; their twins. DJ and Maggie slowed down from hunting but a year or so ago began to pick it up again until Sam passed, losing their in house babysitter and confidant. Now that it was just them, they had a long talk and agreed that Maggie was the one who should continue the family business and that DJ could begin teaching the five year olds some basics from books and stories, keeping any weapons at bay for now. They learned from John's mistakes, and didn't want to make the same with their own children. [/hider] (Your backstory does NOT have to be as lengthy, but since she catapults the entire thing I figured y'all could use some more information)