[h2]Rayth and Akilah Meet[/h2] [hr] The mercenary grinned like a wolf, happy she was comfortable with the whole affair. Many would have been put off by the act, but she intrigued him with her smile. He gave a small, mocking wave to the departing men before he turned to her. Rayth had seen a multitude of beautiful women in his life, but she was what the poets might call ‘breathtaking,’ were he a more academic man. “Indebted?” He asked playfully, his voice low and smooth. “I’ll have to keep that in mind. As for who I am, I go by many names, most of them unflattering. But you can call me Rayth.” He faced her now as well, keeping his eyes only on hers. “Now that they’re gone, are you comfortable with me sitting here or would you prefer eating alone?” It was an honest question, but he gave a grin and shook his head, mirroring her stance. “No hard feelings, if so. Some women turn me down, but alas it’s always their loss.” That was clearly a joke, at least. “Or perhaps their gain? How many hearts have you broken with your boyish grin and smooth words?” Akilah was growing to like his humour and it didn’t hurt that he was pleasant to look at. “Anyways, you can sit with me if you’d like Rayth. I wouldn’t mind the company and it’s the least I can do for your act of chivalry. You can call me Akilah.” Minka sashayed over to the two of them, placing down two cups of brandy. She had a knowing look in her eyes and gave a smile to Alikah. Balancing a tray, she placed down Rayth’s trencher and shook her head at the swordsman, though she tried to hide a smirk as she walked away. Rayth had ordered a second drink for himself, but he handed it to Alikah if she would take the offered mug. “You’ve a way with words yourself, Akilah.” Rayth remarked with approval, taking a sip of his drink and keeping his eyes on hers, a glint of mischief in the brown orbs. “If I may ask, what brings a beautiful woman to the Tacklerock today? Looking for fortune in the city or just wanting to partake in the local cuisine?” The mage smirked at the innkeeper as they exchanged glances during her arrival to bring Rayth his meal, but didn’t bother to tell the other woman otherwise. Let her think what she will. Lifting her face off her palm, she used her now free hand to take the mug that was extended to her and brought it up to her nose. It smelled stronger than what she had ordered previously, but she took a sip of the brandy anyway. If Akilah took it slow, she shouldn’t get too drunk off the beverage. “I arrived this morning and was recommended this tavern as it was closest to the docks. I was told that the food was good, the ale was strong, and lodging wouldn’t hurt my coin purse. So far, they weren’t wrong.” She took another sip of the distilled wine. “I’m here looking for work. Something different than just… helping merchant companies or deep sea fisherman.” “Interesting. I’m looking for work too, though something tells me I don’t have your skillset.” He said, pondering for a brief moment on if he should ask if she was really a sorceress or not. Truth be told, mages made him nervous and he didn’t want to ruin his enjoyment of her company. Then again, it might be the best time to get over his worries. “You know, tomorrow there’s supposed to be a recruitment for an expedition here. Something about sailing west and a promise of riches. It had me curious, so you might want to wait with me…” He shrugged, not entirely convinced himself but seeing where it took him. At that moment he decided to ask, looking her way to gauge her reaction. “What exactly do you do, Akilah?” “I am a sorceress with the ability to manipulate the winds and weather, amongst other more general taught knowledge.” She met his brown eyes with her blue. “What is it you do, other than save women in taverns from the likes of no good ruffians? And why would you want to share a job with the promise of riches with me?” Akilah was curious. Most people would keep such information to themselves, especially the mages back at the college. They would want all the coin for themselves to spend it away on means to amplify their power. Akilah never was one for such things. They had their uses, but always seemed to turn out to be a handicap for the mage in the end. So it was true, she was a spellslinger. Oddly, it didn’t put him off too much. He’d rather one be his friend than his enemy. “I figured you were. The robes, the staff, the quick wit…” He iterated, taking a swig of his mug, nearly draining it. “I slay beasts and people. Preferably in that order, but generally it’s switched.” He sounded world weary at that. “Usually for some lord or commander needing things done. Used to be a soldier so it’s what I know.” He explained with a sigh. Though to her question, he blinked, caught off guard. He had a hard time trusting people, but she was curious about him even after he saved her. Why did he save her, exactly? Smiling, he nudged her with his shoulder. “Well, I figure one loner can help another.” He revealed, and his next words were spoken into his mug before he drank again. “Plus you’re cute.” She returned his smile and took another swallow of brandy. Akilah never considered herself a loner given she just hadn’t wanted to stay in one place for too long. Was it her fault that no one had come into her life that was willing to travel with her? Possibly. Probably… No, Definitely. She’s had lovers and close friends, but the call of the winds and waves were always too strong for her. The mercenary’s compliment was not lost on her nor the fact that he took the liberty to touch her without being too forward. It was pleasantly surprising. “And who were you a soldier for? Where are you from?” “Are you always so curious?” He inquired with gaiety. Most people did not look twice at him, unless they were fearing for their coin purse. She was right, he’d had his fair share of lovers in the past, but they usually went into the particulars far later. He didn’t hold it against this woman though. He found he liked her attention. He leaned back, placing his hands behind his head, toned arms on display. “That would be a long list, Akilah. But I can name a few… Baron Zomestrius of Alda’har for one-” He confessed, referring to the man who served as warden of the southwestern section of the island nation. Rumors were abound of the illicit trade of drugs and spices that were grown and shipped from there, as was there talk of varying rivals to the lordship. “I’ve worked for forces in four of the seven cities through campaign, and I’ve been a privateer once or twice for Andred traders. That’s where I was born, in Visamyrce.” He didn’t know her geographical knowledge, but the nation of Andred was well known in the north, set up in ten provinces, Visamyrce being one of them. For a moment he seemed lost in thought, his lips parting as he pondered whether to speak aloud his next thought. “My da was a steward to a rich household, but he had an affair with the mistress of the mayor. He squandered it and I left as a child, finding work Ar’Guienne before he headed south to join the Virdun Crusade. I became a soldier there and…never stopped. Except for the legal part, sometimes.” Normally he didn’t talk so much about himself. In fact, he reddened with embarrassment for a brief moment, shocked he revealed so much. Rayth then shook his head, chuckling at his awkward manner. The mage was familiar with the names of the places he spoke of, but spent most of her time in and out of ports that she only knew of the hearsay spoken between travelers. “There is no need to be embarrassed of your past.” Akilah teased. “As a mage, you’re taught to ask questions, otherwise how else will you learn? How else will you discover? Obviously you have to be careful about how you go about these questions, quite a few died in the name of discovery…” she trailed off, remembering the warnings of her teachers of the dangers of magic and the order of the natural world. But then she remembered that asking such forward questions weren’t as appreciated outside the college walls as they were inside of them. “I am sorry if I crossed any boundaries. I’m sure you’re not used to opening yourself up to strangers and sometimes I get ahead of myself.” “A friend of mine once said ‘thirst was made for water; inquiry for truth.’ I think you would get along with him.” He said, finishing the last of his mug and setting on the table with a ‘plock’. Idly he turned it over and spun it on the lip of its mouth, holding it steady with a single finger. She seemed to be wary if she had pressed too far, and he gave a wolfish smile. “‘Crossed boundaries’? Akilah, I’ve been flirting with you for half of the meal, though maybe there is a cultural difference I’m ignorant of. Most people don’t fret over my feelings, so I am actually happy to have found someone respectful enough to speak to, but I am an open book. Close it or toss it away, but it’s there to read.” “Well, I love to read and I would never throw away a good book… “ Akilah inched herself closer to him, placing the tips of her left middle and index fingers softly against the outside of his wrist and slowly working her way up his arm. “I am way too traveled for there to be any significant cultural differences for me to not notice your flirting Rayth. No matter where you hail from, all men act the same when around women they like. The lingering glances, displays of strength, displays of wealth, going out of your way to do things that you maybe wouldn’t do otherwise…” Her hand moved slowly as she spoke, her eyes focused on her fingers as they traced the flexor muscles along his forearm and continued along to his biceps. “ Perhaps I want more than just a body to help keep my bed warm?” When her fingers reached his deltoid muscle, she stopped and brought her eyes up to meet his. “Or is that all you’re interested in?” She wasn’t afraid of what his answer would be as there was no shame in the act of laying with another to satisfy the craving, but not that night. She just wanted to sleep. It was a strange thing, how a man was suave one second and the next, he doesn’t entirely know how to react when the pretty girl does it back. Or he would, had she not hit the mark like a trained markswoman. It made her that much more appealing to him, despite the guilty smile he had. He felt tingles from where her fingers made contact. Rayth blinked, surprised at her question. Gingerly, he grabbed her hand with a gentleness. “No,” he said, even to his own surprise. He looked at her with a smoldering gaze, dark eyes alight like gold in the firelight. He kissed the back of her hand and let it go, as gentlemanly as he could. “Perhaps that was my first thought, but after having talked, I think you’re worth taking the proper route. That is, if you’ll have me for a date? Once we’re hired, of course.” For a moment, Akilah forgot to breathe. Her focus was entirely on the warmth from the touch of his hands, the softness of his lips against the back of her palm, and the heat he carried in his eyes. She drew her released hand back onto her lap and gently stroked the spot he kissed with her thumb, her mind momentarily drifting to darker thoughts. Drawing in a shaky breath, she managed to remember how to function, “Of course.. What shall we do in the meantime then? Unless you have other things you need to take care of.” Rayth leaned forward, resting an elbow on the table. “We can figure it out, together. I’m just happy to talk.”