Kjolmar agreed. "Be safe, Olli." He had indeed gotten a lot closer to his friend over the past few days. Their pokemon seemed to bond strongly as well. One hour later, Kjolmar waited at the route 5 exit. When Olli arrived, Kjolmar seemed glad to see his friend. "Do you have the picture? Oh my, Olli, you never guessed what happened! I made a pokemon trade with Charlotte. The Pancham I caught earlier, well, it seemed to be extremely competitive towards Charlotte's Riolu and it wanted to go with them. Riolu likes training too, so Pancham can train a lot every day. In return, her Spritzee wanted to come with me. It's adorable." He paused for a second. "Charlotte isn't coming, however. She said she had business to take care of elsewhere but she didn't say what is was about. Is it just me, or is she starting to be more and more mysterious? She mumbled something about catching an Emboar tho. Have you ever seen an Emboar in the wild?" Kjolmar laughed. "Speaking of... Bianca's Emboar set the lab on fire - again! I sent Panpour over there to help out with putting the fires out." He put his hand on Olli's shoulder. "Let's go! But can I see that picture first? I'm so curious!"