[@Dragoknighte][@rivaan][@Remipa Awesome][@Lewascan2] To be clear, we are NOT in Initiative order yet. Nothing has been rolled to this effect, continue to do your thing and speak among yourselves in the OOC Lounge in Discord. A couple of caveats to this: [b]1)[/b] Restrict movement to the amount which you would be able to in one combat round. [b]2)[/b] While Initiative has not been rolled, I am doing checks behind the DM Screen (a restricted room in the Discord server) to see when and/or if the group is noticed as a whole. While they appear fairly oblivious, there is still a chance. Please keep this in mind. [b]3)[/b] In the Location part of your header, fill in with the square you are currently occupying, an arrow ( -> ) and the square you are going to. [i]Example: P14 -> K18[/i] Now, when combat is entered into officially, the posting rules change. Roll your initiatives in the Discord OOC and tag me. I will roll for the baddies and we'll get ourselves an initiative order. The first person in that list has TWO DAYS to handle requests and post their actions. Actions are to be noted in the spaces provided in your header. When you are done with your actions, TAG THE NEXT PERSON IN THE INITIATIVE ORDER in your post. If it's an NPC, that means it's me. I must admit that there is a flaw in my system here, as it relates to Reactions. All I can say is that we'll cross that bridge when it comes to it. If you can get in a Reaction and choose to, let me know. Until a better system is in place, we will work something out.