[center][h1][color=cyan]Kanbaru Otoko[/color] [/h1][img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/51fc61ac770a524e9468f174afa94d7f/tumblr_inline_n1xc79Kcic1rb3m8r.png[/img][/center] The shadow was a liar, for it couldn't be Touka, and if it wasn't her then nothing it said could hold any merit. But dismissing those venomous words was harder when they struck so deep, slicing through her defenses like a poisoned knife her foot fell and couldn't rise, the whale stricken with a look of horror on her face. Sickness crept up her throat and she clamped a hand to her mouth as she realized even lies were built on a nugget of truth. [color=cyan]"I...wasn't leaving you, Touka. I wasn't! I was not going to leave you!"[/color] She screamed, eyes shaking at the apperation forming before her. The physical reminder of her past, resplendent in the Magical Girl attire she hadn't seen in so long. Since the Magic had left and their world fell apart without anyone noticing. A quiet apocalypse that took so much. Their power. Their unity. Her partner. [color=cyan][i]Chie...[/i][/color] [color=cyan]"I was gonna get an apartment when I went to college, and I was going to invite you Touka. I was! We would have been toge-"[/color] Her pleas fell on suddenly deaf ears, Kanbaru's words choked down as her ever near companion bisected the false Touka. The sight of such blood and viscera was a bizarre comfort, as a real Magical Touka would never have fallen so easily. She knew that would have been a mess of wires still thrashing about and trying to skewer them, not some mess of shadow fading away. Replaced by the silent nun hovering before her, comforting Kanbaru with her touch. The whale stepped forward, sword falling with a clatter of steel on stone as her arms enveloped the JSTR in a desperate hug. She shook with half formed sobs, eyes wet as she struggled to keep down her tears. A sadness gnawing at her not for the apperations death, but for reminding her that her appearence in the Tower had robbed her of her plans. [color=cyan]"I d-didn't chose to come here. We were moving on. We were..."[/color] Kanbaru whimpered, fingers curling against JSTR's back before looking up with red, puffy eyes to the angelic parasite. [color=cyan]"I'm an awful person. Yurei was so innocent and Chie had so much potential, yet both are dead because of [i]brats[/i] and that [i]fucking snake![/i] Why do I get a second chance at power when...when Touka [i]needed[/i] it more? I don't even know if she'll...be alive, by the time I leave this Tower."[/color] [color=cyan]"So please, help me fix this mistake. I need her to be okay."[/color] With a final gulp of air she stilled her trembling, brushing the back of her hand across her cheek and staring at it with a grim smile. The dry glove creaked as it closed into a fist that she dropped to her side. [color=cyan]"And if she isn't, help me with that saw of yours. There's a snake and an Angel's spawn who deserve your tender mercy."[/color]