[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=0072bc]Jason and [/color][color=85CAFF]Janelle Gauger[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://img.wattpad.com/3602c1557a4e57338f8619b55c520bfe21f41b87/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f71724168674363657237785f39773d3d2d3631333739373935302e313534376333653831653830616532373635313632323932323139322e676966[/img][img]https://img.wattpad.com/18653f7604b76ed32750ff90ceda82b58c15cafb/68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f6f66725f41712d763870316637673d3d2d3635333539383533342e3135376563653531626439353332326233343330393632373937382e676966[/img][hr][b][color=0072bc]Location:[/color][/b] Arena [color=85CAFF][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A[hr][hr][/center] [color=85CAFF]"I just 'ate snakes...But dat freaked me out mahre den usual because I couldn't tell it was dere until it was around me neck already..."[/color] Janelle commented with a bit of a shrug in general. She really really hated snakes in general, but having one wrap around her neck like that and she couldn't exactly see it was her worst nightmare. That was the main reason she really feared snakes, sure it was a bit of an overreaction in general with it, but she it just freaked her out with that sort of thing in general. Jason knew exactly why his sister freaked out the way that she did, though she didn't explain the fact to well that it wasn't just kind of dangerous snakes that she hated, it was all snakes. So Kristin mentioning that it might be a simple snake that likely wasn't too horrible probably wasn't the best thing to point out ever. However he wasn't going to point that out at the moment with regards to that, at least for the time being. [color=0072bc]"I'm just glad you're okay,"[/color] he ended up saying to his sister. She just shrugged in response to that, before she turned to look at Kristin, and if it wasn't truly obvious, she was clearly going to tag along with the others to the camp store. That was her thought process anyway. Listening carefully, she made her way over towards the exit of the arena and got into the line of people who were waiting for the Hecate kids to clear them. She stuck close to Kristin, and she was rather glad that she wasn't possessed or something without noticing it at all. So that was a nice thing that Janelle was glad that she didn't have to deal with. He followed along after the other two, personally Jason was rather glad that there wasn't any other sort of chaos aside from a harpy thing that had popped up not long ago, and the snake deciding to choke his sister. At least so far no one had gotten possessed again or something like that again right? Or at least it appeared that way anyway, as he followed after Kristin and Janelle through the line by the entrance to the arena. He waited and once he got cleared by the Hecate kids, he just followed after the other two, sticking close by. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=007236]Marygold Isley[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/49/9e/8d/499e8d9a4ef07c87cd2edf1f10e7cca4.gif[/img] [hr][b][color=007236]Location:[/color][/b] The Arena [color=007236][b]Skills:[/b][/color] N/A[hr][hr][/center] Mary looked at the harpy, and its interactions with Cassian still were hilarious in her mind. The harpy calling Cassian a meanie rather loudly was kind of funny to her in general, of course her attention turned towards Stella when she was mentioning the whole idea of choosing who goes on which prophecy or whatever and she let out a bit of a sigh, and shook her head. It was not an easy thing to potentially explain, what all was going on, and why she was very hesitant to tell her why she was very hesitant about just [i]choosing[/i] openly who went on what quest, since it was a difficult thing to really explain. [color=007236]"...Look, Stella, there is a reason why I'm hesitant to have us just choose between you and me, and I'd prefer to have someone else say who should go where. Namely because if [i]I[/i] choose who went where and something happened to you on your quest, I couldn't really live with myself. If [i]you[/i] choose where you want to go and once again something happens to you on that quest or something, then I couldn't live with myself still. At least if someone else just flat out told us who goes where, it would make it a little easier for me if something happened to you, since at least then it would be a lot harder for me to find a way to pin the blame on myself,"[/color] she explained to her, and that was fully the truth, and the reason why she didn't want either of them to be the ones to choose.