Ooh, I'm definitely interested. I've got a character concept that I think I can adjust to fit this. Though, I'm having a little trouble grasping what's reasonable as a "major" power. Ah, never mind. Got a look at some of the accepted character sheets, and the power level ceiling does appear to be high enough for my concept, since overpowered-ish characters are apparently okay? Just let me know if I need to change anything, because I do have some alterations I can do if anything is too much. Lol, most of the sheets seem to favor Laurel's or Mephisto's, so I ended up balancing things out a bit. Kiburi's was looking a bit lonely with only one player, and the premise of that school is honestly hilarious. [hider=Portrait] [img]https://i.imgur.com/4PmDLxb.jpg?1[/img] [/hider] [b]Name[/b]: Chinami Nadakai, "Razor Tongue", "Iron Maiden". [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Grade[/b]: Lord Kiburi's School for the Truly Exceptional. 2nd year [hider=Biography:] Born to and raised by a pair of Archeologists, Chinami's sociability was stunted from day one. Her parents loved their job, perhaps too much so. They traveled often and always brought her with them, preventing the young girl from properly developing long-term friendships or even getting a proper schooling where it didn't relate to archeology. Over time, Chinami began to stop even attempting to make emotional connections with locals, mentally exhausted from constantly having to leave them behind. She had swung right past loneliness and entered a state approaching apathy. Though she loved her parents as most children do, by age 10, she was coming to resent them for the fact that she couldn't be a "normal" kid. Instead of improving her mind, she was forced to improve her body in order to walk -or even survive- long treks through jungles and climb steep ruins and mountains. She had no friends except the adults among the larger archeology team that traveled with her parents. As a result of these influences, she came to mature mentally far more quickly than any child should, becoming pithy and foul-mouthed. By the time she was 12 years old, she was perhaps as much of an expert in the art of tomb-raiding as her parents, and she was the senior authority to the majority of the team as a whole in terms of time spent among them. She knew how to survive, how to treat wounds, to safely trip and disable traps and otherwise Indiana Jones her ways through absolutely lethal mystical ruins. Careless as her parents were, she'd been injured on many an occasion in her explorations. Cuts, bruises, broken bones, concussions and more that she often had to heal from naturally; the girl had an almost unnatural pain tolerance. Frankly, she was a somewhat scary child, almost comparable to a child soldier in grit, but despite the unease of the other adults, her parents didn't seem even slightly aware that something was off, instead praising their daughter for her accomplishments. Chinami did not feel very accomplished. She had long since recognized her own lacking in intellectual pursuits and had begun to seek teaching from the other adults on the team, choosing to spend all of what allowance she had on books in the rare moments that she was in civilization proper. She saw archeology as a dead-end (even literally) profession, filled with too little profit and far too much danger. Weighing her pros and cons, the young girl had already started on the path to abandoning her family and team to set out on her own. All she needed first was the knowledge to make it out in the world. Thus, the self-education. Little did she know, her plans would come to fruition, just not in the way she'd intended. In the twilight months of age 12, her parents entered a particularly dangerous mystical ruin in search of rumors of a "cursed dagger" that could apparently inflict death with the slightest prick. Unfortunately, between the pair and their daughter, they were quite competent and capable of navigating the ruin's traps finding it. The young girl was not happy with this, as a gut feeling of impending doom had begun to well up within her. Whether it was a divine premonition or not, it mattered little in the face of her parents' reckless joy. As they approached the dagger, which floated suspended ominously above an alter, Chinami warned her parents to be careful, but they dismissed her worries, sure in their security after successfully disabling any traps that would shut the doors on them and prevent escape. Her father grabbed the dagger, and everything quickly began going wrong. A large golem was ejected from the ceiling and slammed down atop her father. If that didn't kill him, then the firm stomp on his head a moment later did. The dagger was sent flying, and the tomb guardian's attention was clearly zeroed in on it. Despite this, Chinami's mother chose to grab the dagger, only to get casually swatted by the unnervingly quick construct. Even injured, however, somehow her mother had the reckless and/or selfish presence of mind to toss the dagger Chinami's way. Panicked, the girl unthinkingly picked it up from where it has slid across the floor to her and then was forced to flee the guardian. She put every last bit of her training and experience to the test, as she fled through the halls of the ruins, but the guardian was an enchanted being meant to catch far more dangerous intruders than a mere child. It was only her small size and agility that kept her ahead by a hair till the inevitable happened. One of the guardian's attacks just barely clipped her side, but the sheer strength behind it made even a featherlight touch damn-near lethal. Ribs broken, Chinami was thrown like a skipping stone, and her uncontrollable tumble saw the dagger plunged into her gut. Despite being a dead girl walking, Chinami's harshly-earned pain tolerance and will to survive held strong and pushed her to struggle up and continue to stumble away as fast as she could, leaving the dagger in her gut to stem the bleeding. She took advantage of the distance gained from being tossed to exit the ruins and begin scaling the side using thick overgrown vines, the guardian on her heels like a bloodhound, as it stabbed its appendages into old stone to scale after her. Flopping onto the top with the guardian practically breathing down her neck, Chinami ripped the dagger out of her stomach and swung at the guardians hands in despair, only to be genuinely surprised, when the dagger parted the mystically enchanted substance like butter, causing the guardian to lose its grip and tumble down to the ground. Filled with renewed hope that she could at least take this monster with her, Chinami's face turned ashen when the guardian revealed the ability fly, and she only barely managed to roll away from a slamming blow that would have ended her as surely as her father. It occurred to her then that she was about to [i]die[/i], and she had something of a mental blue screen... and a realization. Something about that very concept offended her on a personal level, more than anything had ever irked her before. It was a visceral hatred, a bone-deep revulsion. The very idea that she would die, that it was inevitable? [b][i]No.[/i][/b] She was a [i]survivor[/i]. She would [i]not[/i] die. She [i]refused[/i] to die. As the guardian's arms rose for a final blow that Chinami was far too weakened by blood loss to avoid, the girl raised the dagger with every intent of chopping those arms off the moment the came down, using their own momentum against them, and gave a blood-curdling scream of animalistic defiance. Suddenly, both Chinami and the guardian were surprised by a pearly-white ghostly fist impacting the side of the guardian's head with a sound like thunder and such force that the construct was nearly beheaded by the single blow. As the guardian reeled back, Chinami goggled at the sight of the ghostly white figure standing over her with an appearance reminiscent of a feminine golem with ethereal blue "hair". It glanced over its shoulder at her, gave her a simple nod and then, without fanfare, ripped forward with a flurry of blows so fast that Chinami's eyes watered, a series of thunderclaps shaking the ruins, as gusts of wind buffered her hair and eyes. The ruin guardian tried to fight back, but it was suddenly outclassed so entirely it somehow ceased to be humorous, even despite it mercilessly hunting her down moments before. The pearly-white ghost utterly dismantled the golem in moments, its fists caving great craters into enchanted stone and metal, and the aftershocks seemed to be doing almost as much damage internally. It felt like a small eternity; when in reality, the barrage lasted no longer than 7 seconds, before the spirit halted its attacks and casually turned its back on the guardian. A moment later, as if suddenly remembering it had been struck, the golem seemed to implode from the sheer force of the blows, before the force finished its inward journey and exploded out and away, scattering the golem's parts across the jungle below. Her pulse pounding in her ears, Chinami initially feared for her life, but the longer she stared at the being that had saved her, the more she came to recognize a strange connection there that hadn't existed before. As much as she wanted to explore that oddity, she needed to go see if her mother could be saved. It was around this moment that she noticed -to her great unease and simultaneous relief- that both the dagger and her wounds had disappeared, nowhere to be found. The situation being as urgent as it was, the young girl was forced to abandon thought in that direction and hurry. She returned the inner ruins and found, indeed, that her mother had survived, but she was seriously injured. The girl performed emergency first aid to the best of her ability and confirmed that, luckily, her mother was in a state to be moved, if barely. At Chinami's request, her new ghostly companion carefully picked up and carried the woman, and the two left the ruins to seek aid from the rest of the archeology group. Chinami's tale of daring and lethality and the seriousness of her mother's injuries prompted an immediate evacuation back to civilization to seek treatment for Chinami's mother and prevent the rest of the team from potentially falling prey to threats similar to what Chinami had miraculously vanquished. While they were able to save her mother's life, she was permanently injured enough to make performing her prior job all too dangerous. Between that and the reality-check of her husband's funeral, Chinami's mother chose to abandon archeology and take up being a botanist in Rhea. While distraught that it had taken her father's life and nearly her own to make her dreams come true, Chinami couldn't help but be pleased with the outcome. She was almost unnerved by the sheer feeling of triumph that seemed to sweep through her body the minute she stepped into her new permanent home. She had survived everything the world had thrown at her. She had survived an almost certainly cursed stab from a artifact and could only theorize that the dagger must have been part of some sort of divine or demonic "test of worthiness". She couldn't begin to imagine why she had passed where others had assumedly failed, and she couldn't help but worry about what had happened to the dagger itself, knowing that it hadn't returned itself to its original resting place. But in the end, such concerns were irrelevant. She had [i]survived[/i]. She had conquered life's trials and tribulations, and she been rewarded with power and the opportunity to grasp the life she had begun to dream of, a successful quiet life, devoid of enemies or danger. All that was left was to not waste that opportunity. And the best way to do that was to get an education. She had been studying the four great schools of Rhea, weighing her options. Unfortunately, her options were slim. Laurels' and Clauzwitz' were too high class for her lackluster education to keep her enrolled. 13 year old Chinami hadn't the greatest opinion of her scholastic ability, and both schools looked too strict for her to have time to catch up before being expelled... assuming she could even get accepted to begin with. Mephisto's just seemed like a bad idea for her overall reputation, and the school itself was impossible to even find, much less enroll in. Chinami could only assume that the school reached out students rather than the other way around, and one might possibly get in through a recommendation the Chinami didn't have. Kibari's was the only option left. With its lackluster standards of attendance and gaudy decadence, somehow, this was the only option left to her amongst the most "respectable" schools. Despite that, it had fair education facilities, so it would have to do. Chinami had only about 2 years to correct her scholastic deficiencies and train her new power, so she set to both with a fervor like nothing before. And with time and dedication, 2 years later, she swept through the acceptance process and took her first steps towards peace and success. From that day forward, she swore that she would work hard, harder than anyone else, in order to compensate for where she was lacking and, more importantly, where her new school might also be lacking. [/hider] Powers: [hider=Primary Power: Proud Soul, Living on a Prayer] [hider=Living on a Prayer] [img]https://i.imgur.com/NnNAdEd.jpg?1[/img] [/hider] Chinami's primary ability is to manifest a pseudo-physical "punch-ghost", which can move up to 5 meters away from her. It acts at Chinami's will and mental command, being directly connected to her soul; for this reason, it is often prone to react early to threats Chinami's main body couldn't see coming but subconsciously recognized through gut instinct and the like. The "Spirit" can selectively tangibly interact with the world and is completely unaffected or hindered by any effect that does not specifically target souls or -to a lesser degree- life force. If it is harmed, however, any damage it takes is reflected back on Chinami, but not any special effects beyond that. It can use its selective tangibility to peak through or reach inside and meddle with the insides of targets, and this same selective tangibility allows it to overlay itself upon Chinami's main body, letting her use it as armor. On the flipside, the silver lining of being able to be harmed by soul/lifeforce attacks cuts both ways. The Spirit is able to physically interact with -and use it's third secondary power on- objects and effects that normally can only be targeted/opposed on a spiritual level. [/hider] [hider=Secondary Power 1: Spiritual Warfare] This power passively enhances all the standard physical abilities of her "Spirit" so that it is more than a mere ghost, but these enhancements tend to weaken in unison with Chinami's own accruement of injuries and/or exhaustion. At full strength, it is able to move at super-sonic speeds with reaction time to match. Strength-wise, it's somewhat less intimidating, able to lift weights equivalent to a truck and toss them a short distance -though certainly not casually; luckily, Chinami has enough control of this strength to ensure that she doesn't accidentally kill others. Its 5 Basic Senses are dialed up to 11, along with its 6th/spiritual ones, but they seem to have protection against being overwhelmed and are thus unhindered by blinding light, deafening sounds and the like. Durability is included in these enhancements but doesn't weaken like the others. Even if her Spirit can be harmed by effects that target souls or life force, those effects must be of notable strength to actually break through the Spirit's durability. The result is that, even if she knows she will take damage regardless, it is still safer overall to use her Spirit as a shield against effects that can hurt it and mitigate some harm. Both Chinami and her Spirit are able to perceive spiritual/soul/lifeforce-based phenomenon in the world, to the point, for example, that she is able to witness someone's soul leaving their body on death and can use her Spirit to interact with such things before they pass on should she be fast enough. [/hider] [hider=Secondary Power 2: Half Way There] Chinami, at all times that it is summoned, shares senses with her Spirit. This doesn't appear to cause any disorientation, and due to the semi-autonomous nature of the Spirit, she is able to multitask well enough to simultaneously control both her bodies at full effectiveness. As a side effect, sharing her Spirit's senses allows her to perceive the world in extreme slow motion if she wishes, allowing her a great amount of time to think and strategize. [/hider] [hider=Secondary Power(?) 3: It's My Life] A power that Chinami strongly suspects may be her true main power, with her Spirit merely a means to channel it. She has noticed that she can cause selective alterations to objects/creatures her Spirit touches, at the cost of getting strangely too spiritually and physically exhausted to safely use it in rapid succession without risking self-harm. Chinami's high willpower and ability to mentally push through debilitating injury tend to be detrimental here, as if she isn't careful, she is fully capable of literally exhausting herself to death from overuse, which is why she typically limits herself to 10 uses per short period/fight out of caution. The size of her target doesn't seem to be a factor. The ability seems to allow her to affect any aspect of a target (material, integrity, enchantments, etc.), but inflicts greater exhaustion the more extreme or exotic the change she wishes to make, unless she takes time to slowly inflict it over the course of a minute or so while maintaining contact. Targets must, at their core, remain the same thing they were when they started, performing the same base function in the world. However, this ability apparently considers "change of location" a valid part of its purview, allowing teleportation. While she can affect and boost herself and others with this ability, she cannot affect her Spirit itself, no matter how hard she tries. When she first discovered this ability, the changes she caused tended to be temporary, lasting only mere minutes. After years of training, the changes have come to consistently last between 3-4 hours, with the strange exception of healing and teleportation, which are always permanent unless she specifically attempts to have them not be. Chinami has good reason to suspect that in time and with training, she will be able to consistently make all her changes permanent. Chinami has yet to identify the core principle of this ability's function, but she has her suspicions, rooted in a fair amount of high-level theory. She has also taken great care to conceal the full extent of this ability beyond healing, paranoid -or perhaps rightfully worried- about what knowledge of its existence might bring upon her. The truth of this ability's functionality is as simple as it is terrifying, and it is this high concept truth that currently evades Chinami's realization and stymes her mastery of this power. Her power, quite simply, swaps targets with an alternate dimension version of themselves. Rather, to be specific, it doesn't actually transfer things across dimensional barriers but instead merely "copies" an alternate existence and then "pastes" it over the one in Chinami's world, overwriting the prior existence. [/hider] [hider=Reputation:] [hider=General School Reputation] Chinami appears to be the equivalent of a Goth; though she barely dresses the part. More notable than her appearance is her attitude and sharp tongue. She seems almost allergic to the very concept of romance, and she has very little tolerance for the social games others do, choosing to be blunt and brutally honest with her words. While she isn't typically the sort to resort to violence, despite her caustic attitude, she has no tolerance for others attempting to get in her way or sabotage her scholastic achievements. She prefers not to fight, but when she must... She plans to win by any means necessary. Chinami on the surface doesn't have any rivals she is aware of. As she seeks a peaceful life, she pays little attention to those that despise her, since she knows that is often the best way to prevent them from having any power over her. Indeed, she chooses to be as dismissive as possible and completely banish such things as "enemies" and "winning or losing" from her mind; the only thing she appears to care about is merely succeeding in life. This standoffish attitude doesn't earn her many friends, given how business-oriented she is in regards to education and how disdainful she seems to be of most of her fellow students, who she sees as coasting slackers. As a result, she has something of a reputation as a bitch and general try-hard. However, those that manage to get into her good graces will find themselves stuck with an almost obnoxiously steadfast ally, who perhaps tends overmuch towards less moral options when it comes to aiding them. [/hider] [b]-Harumi Nadakai[/b]: Chinami's mother and a botanist in Rhea. Chinami both loves and resents her. Chinami has chosen to hide her healing abilities from her mother, allowing the woman to stay permanently injured, as Chinami believes this is the best way to keep her from having any ideas of returning to her former dangerous tomb-raiding profession. In order to preserve her mother's life -and her own quiet life- this is what Chinami believes is the greatest kindness she can give, her trust in her mother's own judgement forever tarnished. Harumi, on the other hand, does actually love her daughter and seems to have learned her lesson from the incident that widowed her, and she apparently fully supports Chinami's ambitions, to which the latter feels rather guilty about not knowing how she should feel about that. [/hider]