Name: Seth Parker Age: 17 Personality: Seth is the sort of person who will always stand up for what he believes is right, even if nobody else will stand with him. He is loyal to people, not principals, and he expects loyalty in return. Fiercely protective of others, he will not hesitate to do anything in his power to help somebody in trouble. Unfortunately his headstrong and sometimes rash attitude sometimes gets him into trouble, but he always seems to find a way to get out of it, though not entirely unscathed, Though normally outspoken and fearless, Seth has a dark side to him that few have seen, and only those who know him best understand. Background: Seth has not had an easy life, raised by his father's best friend, who he's now come to see as his uncle, after his parents were murdered when he was 9, he's known the pain of losing those most important to him, and the fear of not being strong enough to protect the ones left. Regardless of his past, that left him with some emotional scars, he refused to seclude himself from the world, and took up as many hobbies as he could in order to keep him busy. Not many people know the full story, and he doesn't like to talk about it, though he will if you become close enough to him. Notable Skills or Abilities: Seth has been practicing martial arts, and swordsmanship since he was young, at the request of his father, which he has carried on long after his death. He's honed his skills to a very respectable level, and is advanced beyond his age, due to the amount of work and dedication he has put into his training. Outside of this, he is a skilled mechanic and pilot, having a wealth of knowledge of all things mechanical, from droids to vehicles. He's always found tinkering with the cool machines in his Uncle's shop relaxing, and it helps him clear his mind and simply focus on something, escape from everything if he needed to. [hider=Appearance] [img][/img][/hider]