CS Name: Dr. Wilhelm Ackermann, no one really knows his real name or what he looks like due to a hack he commited on the government server once he was bored a few years before, except a few people. He allways is called by his nickname [i]'Dr. Maverick'[/i] Age: 28 Race: Human [hider=Appearance:][IMG]http://s3.zerochan.net/Ouma.Kurosu.240.1205663.jpg[/IMG][/hider] Personality: Wilhelm has an analytical mind and is really smart/clever. He would rather kill himself than risk his friends lifes or having his researches falling in the wrong hands. He also is a coward who never faught in a battle. Job: Wilhelm is a brilliant Scientist, he also studies architecturing Cybernetic/prosthesis implants while he is working for 'OUTER-HEAVEN INC.', even through he can't see blood. In his youth he was a famous hacker on the internet named [i]'Nova'[/i]. Bio: Wilhelm was born into a german familly and already in his childhood Wilhelm showed that he was special. While the other kids learned the alphabet, he was solving quadratics. In his youth he got bored most of the time so he started to hack. Starting with normal access points to hacking the Servers of the government. No one ever was able to find out, who the person was behind the attacks the only thing they got was the name [i]'Nova'[/i] but no traces. When he grew up he wanted to study more from different fields of study, since lately he is the smartest head at 'OUTER-HEAVEN INC.' which is developing the most state-of-the-art weapons, vehicles and cybernetic implants. His workplace is in the Underground-LAB of the facillity. Some people sure would pay a lot of money, having him work for their own interests.