[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180805/88f4ea53271bcf1d43d1efbb1a7e2dda.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180925/a7d1c6d0d75b0b6a37dd245ba3f48f99.png[/img][hr][@Morose][@Nallore][@KazAlkemi][@Kirah][/center][hr] [b][u]Wooded Area[/u][/b] [color=7ea7d8]"...It's just I have a really really bad feeling about all of this..."[/color] Pietro commented, before he looked at the other two. Of course, everything was strange, but one thing was obvious, he was kind of nervous with regards to who they might run into. So many sort of things were racing through his mind as he was thinking about what they could really do with regards to everything. [color=FF17F2]"I mean, who knows what all is going on here right? And hey, at least, we have an idea of vaguely where everyone else is right? That's great. Right?"[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"I mean yeah, guess that's a good thing right?"[/color] Pietro admitted, before in a little distance, they'd be able to hear a sort of commotion nearby. Despite figuring it was a bad idea in general, Pietro moved to sort of see what was going on in general, and he'd see an interesting sight. It looked to be a sparring match of sorts, for whatever reason in general. The area was a lot more clear then the rest of the woods, and parts of trees clearly had been burned down to work to clear the space in general. One person they rather easily could see was Sabretooth, who looked like he was sort of swatting a fly or something. Well, turns out the "fly" in the sparring match was another very familiar silver streak that was zipping around Sabretooth, and they could easily hear Pietro's voice laughing, before every so often the other speedster in the conflict stopped, and laughing a little bit at Sabretooth's attempts to hit him. [i]"Come on Sabretooth, you can hit better then that right?"[/i] he taunted with a bit of a laugh towards him. [b][u]New York Alleyway[/u][/b] The figure in the alley screeched to a halt with his running and whirled around, his eyes going wide and his hood fell down when he spun around, and seeing his face, Lance couldn't help but wonder [i]what the actual hell is going on?[/i] Why did he think that sort of thing? It was because he literally saw himself. Of course, the counterpart wasn't completely identical, he was a bit pale, and honestly look like he had been through hell or something, but it was plainly obvious that it was him. [color=yellow]"Ok... This is weird..."[/color] Lance muttered, before his counterpart literally took off running again and out of sight. Another [url=https://mediad.publicbroadcasting.net/p/shared/npr/styles/x_large/nprshared/201805/303762854.jpg]figure[/url] raced into view, and she let out a bit of a sigh, though she looked to be around the same age as they were. "Lance come on, you know dad will get pissed off again if you don't come back. Seriously are you trying to get yourself killed again or something?" she asked, as she walked up to him, more or less ignoring Guin and Annie entirely. [color=yellow]"Uh sorry, think you have the wrong person,"[/color] Lance commented, clearly a bit weirded out and nervous about the entire thing. "Don't try to pull that sort of thing again, come on let's go before we both end up in trouble." Yeah, this was a really weird situation to be in, though Guin having seen the mind of the other version of Lance would know a few things about this person. One, her name was Lana and she was Lance's twin sister, and two, she likely was referring to the fact that Banner typically tried to keep an eye on the pair of them considering one had ended up dead, and until recently the other had been kidnapped into a cult and all of that chaos. Yeah, this was definitely going to be fun to deal with. [b][u]The Mansion[/u][/b] Something that Bethany had said clicked a bit in her mind, and the gears started turning a little bit as she turned her attention back towards Ed as he stated where the others were. [color=007236]"Alright, we can see about catching up with the others and finding them later... At least everyone is in a relatively similar area and at least on the continent... Then again, we have something else to think about... These are kind of like holograms... But..."[/color] she said, her voice sort of tapering off a bit with her last sentence as she continued to think about the entire situation in general. [color=007236]"Does this place still have power?"[/color] she ended up asking out loud, as she moved to flip one of the old light switches, as it sort of zapped a bit and sparked, which ensured that the school, despite its appearances, had electricity, which caused her to have a few other ideas. Now, technically the school mainly had the elevators used to get to the lower levels, however there were ways and stairways scattered throughout to allow people to get down there or back up, typically in the case of emergency. [color=007236]"I'll be right back, need to go check something,"[/color] she said instantly, before racing off down one of the first floor hallways, eventually she came to one of the stairways and headed straight down into the basement. The security system in the mansion likely would still be working as long as the mansion had power, and that bugged her as to why it might not have been working or something. Unless the holograms on the first floor more or less [i]was[/i] the mansion going off and was a part of the system. A system that was run by one person, who likely wouldn't have shown up in any sort of situation, since she wasn't technically a "living thing", so if Bethany had been looking for anyone living, then that made sense that she wouldn't pop up. [color=007236]"Danger? Are you down here?"[/color] Mary called out as she reached one of the basement levels. Upstairs where Mary had left Bethany and Ed, they'd be able to see the ghosts or whatever they were started to more or less sort of "glitch" out. A few of them walked to each other to talk, froze for a second, before looping back to them walking up. There were a few other glitches here and there, but aside from that one, they were more or less a lot less obvious. More students walked into the area and were doing random things or just going about their day. Though they would notice one of the ghosts resembled Mary a bit, though it was a version of her that was a few years younger then she currently was.