[h2]Number 7 [/h2] [h3]Back on the China Doll, Late Afternoon, Greenleaf Day 2[/h3] OOC: JP between [@Winters], [@MK Blitzen] [@Yule] [table] [row][cell][/cell][cell][/cell][cell][/cell][/row] [row][cell][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5281577][img] https://i.imgur.com/1CPW58D.png [/img][/url][/center] [/cell] [cell][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5281574][img] https://i.imgur.com/T64wNiT.png [/img][/url][/center][/cell] [cell][center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5281589][img] https://i.imgur.com/66r372Q.png [/img][/url][/center][/cell][/row] [/table][hr] [hider= Shake Your Euphemism] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQ6Yf_V_iD0&feature=youtu.be[/youtube] [/hider] “Almost done, almost done, promise.” Cyd soothed, as she firmly held Mathias’ hand in hers, ignoring the ‘ows’ and air being sucked through his teeth as she worked. The job was finished, selfies were taken, and the shuttle returned to it’s home port. All that was needed was a little basic first aid. As far as she could tell, Mathias’s cut wasn’t too bad. It didn’t hit any tendons, seeing as he could move his fingers and his thumb. Iodine stung like hell, but it would keep out the bacteria, and thankfully by the end of the Jungle-cruise tour, the bleeding had stopped. “Eggs,” she half asked, half ordered to her younger sib. Obediently or out of obligation, Isaac cracked two eggs into a bowl, handing the shells to his sister. Back on Beaumonde, the alliance made sure nearly all med supplies went to the Blue Sun towns with the exception of New Huntsville for the Brewery, anywhere the money was. Most of the people who went to work in the factories did so not for the meager paychecks, but because living in the corporate city was the only place you could get medical provisions of any sort. Saint Lo wasn’t corporate. A hazy, dirty city with low income opportunities and plenty of brown-coats, it was last in line for supplies. The purple bellies would have swept it under the rug if they could. It forced the residents and medical centers to be a little resourceful and extremely creative, especially when tending minor injuries. Even though the shuttle had a decent first-aid kit with shiny packages and little instruments, sometimes tried and true wins out. Using the brand new tweezers, Cyd carefully peeled the membrane from the inside of the shell, and placed it directly over the wound on her brother’s palm. It’d form a natural bandage, pulling the two sides together. It was probably deep enough to need a couple of stitches, but in a pinch, there wasn’t a body in Saint Lo who hadn’t used the egg shell fix at least once or twice. She absently rubbed the back of his hand with her thumb comfortingly. More than once she’d been accused of babying her sibs especially if they were sick or hurt, but they were content to be babied now and again, under the guise that it kept Cyd from worrying herself sick. Satisfied that it was on the mend, that is the natural bandage dried bonding with his skin, she put a small piece of gauze over it and wrapped it loosely. “Poor thing. Good as new in a few days, though Yobo,” she cooed, kissing the top of his head for good measure. “Muti?” She asked, shaking a bottle of an aspirin-like painkiller. Mathias waved it off looking like a cat who ate the canary and got away with it. "No need, had the best medic in the 'Verse patch me up. I'll be up to my old trick in no time flat." He boasted. “Dis ń feit soos ń koeiI,” she snickered. [i]It’s a fact like a cow[/i]. Mathias chuckled, carefully flexing his fingers a bit. "Since we can relax the rest of the stay here, got any ideas what you wanna do?" Mathis said, stretching himself out. Work hard, party harder was the Skye motto after all. “I was hoping you’d ask,” Cyd said, grinning from ear to ear. “Khao Yai has an underground. Never heard of the talent, but if you’re both up to it, rave on?” "Cyd suggesting a rave? Shocker." Isaac said with an overly deadpan expression before snickering. The younger Skye tossed the egg shells and, not seeing the point in letting a perfectly good meal go to waste, fished out a small single burner induction cooktop and a small sauce pot from one of the shuttle's storage compartments. Using a pair of chopsticks, he scrambled and fried up the leftovers from the previous surgery. He squatted back down near his sibs, using the sticks to play "seek and destroy" sad he fished out hunks of cooked up egg curd from the pot to nom on. "So, what's the scoop on this rave? Apart from OONTS OONTS OONTS!-...and dancing?" He inquired, putting extra emphasis on mimicking the beat. “Ride the rails, rage a little, trade some kandi, drop some mandy? Come on, it’ll get your mind off you-know-who for a bit, and you like the oonts oonts oonts just as much.” "Sounds like the best and only way to blow off some steam." Mathias grinned. "Who knows, maybe I get a bit of sympathy from a rave bunny. I should practice my sad face." Isaac shrugged as he popped a bit of egg in his mouth. "I dunno, bruv. Ya look petty sad to me." He smirked at Mathias. "And who says I need to 'get my mind' off a anyone?" He added, rolling his eyes at the offending suggestion. "No one … just you know. Say that when you have a sweet bunny pawing at you." Mathias said slyly. “Even if you want to just trance out,” Cyd practically pleaded. “C’mon Lolo, We’ve been pretty much on since New Melboune. Don’t you want to just get bosbefok for a few hours? Shut it all down?” Isaac lolled his head from side to side as he grudgingly concurred with his sister. "Fiiiine", he sighed, "we'll go. Check out the scene...maybe there'll be food." He raised his chopstick hand defensively. "I know...stay away from the brownies. I'm not making that mistake twice." He added with a crooked grin. “I think Yobo has some red devils if you want a safer drop?” she offered. “I swear you can see the music.” "Hey now … have you been peeking at my private stash?" Mathias asked suspiciously. “Peeking” Cyd said, using air quotes. “Besides, what happened to all for one?” "Not when it involves my secret stash …" Mathias said defensively "...that's why it's a secret. Duh. Like how we all know about Isaac's secret chocolate stash and say nothing about it." "Note to self, moving my chocolates." Isaac scowled. "And flushing your purple pills." He snorted. "Not sleepy time tea!" Mathias said with an exaggerated gasp. "Seriously touch my shit I will smother your ass in your sleep." Isaac got up to clean up and pushed his butt at his brother. "Yeah, you'd like to be smothered in that ass, wouldn't you." He teased as he bounced his butt against Mathias's arm. “Half a chromosome away from having sisters,” Cyd tsked with a shake of her head. [center][img]https://c.tenor.com/STEX0dE9Oq8AAAAC/fry-futurama.gif[/img][/center]